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引用本文:宫 魁,王宝杰,刘 梅,蒋克勇,邱楚雯,骆作勇,范瑞用,王 雷.乳酸菌及其代谢产物对刺参幼体肠道菌群和非特异性免疫的影响[J].海洋科学,2013,37(7):7-12.
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宫 魁1,2, 王宝杰1, 刘 梅1, 蒋克勇1, 邱楚雯1,2, 骆作勇1,2, 范瑞用3, 王 雷1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国科学院 研究生院;3.青岛瑞滋海珍品发展有限公司
以初始体质量为(2.74±0.17)g 的刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)为研究对象, 在室内养殖池进行60 d饲喂实验, 研究饲料中添加乳酸菌制剂和乳酸菌代谢产物对刺参肠道菌群、部分免疫指标及生长的影响。在基础饲料中分别添加乳酸菌制剂和乳酸菌代谢产物各2 mL/m3(按饲养水体折算), 配制2 种实验饲料。实验结果显示: 与对照组比, 饲料中添加乳酸菌与乳酸菌代谢产物均显著降低了刺参肠道弧菌数及大肠杆菌数(P<0.05); 饲料中添加乳酸菌及其代谢产物能使刺参肠道酸性磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶活力显著升高, 溶菌酶活性有所提升, 其中乳酸菌制剂实验组与代谢产物实验组免疫酶活力差异不显著;两实验组刺参的特定生长率显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。上述结果表明, 乳酸菌制剂与乳酸菌代谢产物对刺参的肠道菌群平衡、免疫力及生长均具有良好的促进作用, 且两者之间差异不显著。
关键词:  刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)  乳酸菌  肠道菌群  非特异性免疫  特定生长率
The influence of lactic acid bacteria and metabolites on intestinal microflora and nonspecific immunity of juvenile sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus)
A 60-day feeding experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of lactic acid bacteria and its metabolites on bacteria of intestine, nonspecific immunity and growth of juvenile sea cucumber with initial body weight of (2.74 ± 0.17) g. Lactic acid bacteria and metabolites were added in the basal diet with 2 mL/m3 (translated by farming water). Compared with control group, the lactic acid bacteria and metabolites added to the feed significantly reduced the number of intestinal Vibrio and E. coli (P<0.05). The diet containing lactic acid bacteria and metabolites can increase the activities of acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, and lysozyme significantly. There was no significant difference in activities of immune enzyme between the experimental groups. The results showed that the specific growth rate (RSG) of sea cucumber in the experimental groups were significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of the control group. These results indicated that both lactic acid bacteria and metabolites play an important role on intestinal microflora balance, nonspecific immunity and growth of sea cucumber, but the difference between the experimental groups was not significant. The metabolites may play a major role of probiotics in the process of sea cucumber farming.
Key words:  Apostichopus japonicus  lactic acid bacteria  intestinal microflora  nonspecific immunity  RRSG
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