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引用本文:肖国强,张炯明,邵艳卿,柴雪良,吴洪喜,刘 博,方 军,滕爽爽.苯并芘B[a]P对泥蚶组织EROD、GST酶活力和MDA含量的影响[J].海洋科学,2013,37(8):28-34.
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肖国强1, 张炯明1, 邵艳卿1, 柴雪良1, 吴洪喜1, 刘 博1, 方 军1, 滕爽爽1
采用实验生态学的方法,通过染毒和清除,研究了不同浓度(0.05、0.5、5和10 μg/L)苯并芘B[a]P胁迫15d和释放15d后,泥蚶(Tegillarca granosa)消化盲囊和鳃丝乙氧基异吩唑脱乙基酶(EROD)、谷胱甘肽转移酶(GST)活力和脂质过氧化物(MDA)含量的变化。结果表明: 在胁迫阶段0.5、5 和10μg/L,B[a]P处理组对泥蚶消化盲囊和鳃丝EROD、GST 酶活力和MDA含量显著影响(P<0.05), EROD、GST 酶活力分别被诱导和抑制,第5d趋于稳定, MDA含量随时间呈上升趋势, 在第10d基本达到峰值并趋于稳定。在清除阶段, EROD活力和MDA含量逐渐下降, GST活力逐渐升高, 并在5~10d恢复到对照组水平。本研究中, EROD和GST活力的变化能够反映机体解毒代谢的能力, MDA含量的变化反映了机体氧化损伤的程度,表现出了一定的剂量和时间效应。
关键词:  苯并(a)芘  泥蚶(Tegillarca granosa)  消化盲囊  鳃丝  EROD  GST  MDA
Effect of Benzo[a]pyrene on two enzymes activity and lipid peroxidation MAD in Tegillarca granosa
The effects of different concentrations of B[a]P (0.05、0.5、5 and 10μg/L) on EROD, GST and MDA in digestive gland and gills of Tegillarca granosa were studied during 15 days’ exposure to B[a]P. After B[a]P exposure, Tegillarca granosa were transferred to fresh seawater to be cultivated for 15 days. The results indicated that the activity of EROD, GST and MDA content were significantly effected in the 0.5, 5 and 10 μg/L groups (P<0.05). EROD activity was induced while GST activity was inhibited until the fifth day. MDA content was rising with the treating time and arrived the peak, in the tenth day. All parameters were returned to the control level after 5-10 days’ clearance phase in the fresh seawater. According to our studies, the changes of EROD and GST activity could reflect the body's detoxification metabolism ability. The MDA content showed dose-effect and time-effect relationships, which indicated B[a]P exerted toxic effects on Tegillarca granosa by way of oxidative damage.
Key words:  Benzo[a]pyrene  Tegillarca granosa  digestive gland  gill  EROD  GST  MDA
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