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黄建荣1, 丁少雄1, 王德祥1, 柯才焕1
厦门大学 海洋与地球学院
利用扫描电镜对13种荔枝螺属种类的齿舌形态进行观察, 发现本属齿舌式均为0:1:1:1:0。齿舌中央齿尖锐突出与本属物种均为肉食性相符。各物种齿舌中央齿基部均较宽, 具1枚中央齿中间齿, 2枚中央齿侧齿。中央齿上布满侧生小齿, 大部分为中央齿侧齿内小齿和侧齿外小齿, 同种不同个体的小齿形态、数目存在差异, 侧生小齿具有不对称性和可变性, 因此在对本属种类分类时中央齿小齿仅可作为部分参考依据。本属种类的中央齿缘齿有较大的区别, 红豆荔枝螺和刺荔枝螺不具中央齿缘齿,其余11种具有明显的中央齿缘齿, 因此齿舌的分叉类型也分两种, 红豆荔枝螺和刺荔枝螺为较原始不具中央齿缘齿的三分叉型, 其余11种为两端分叉型。通过齿舌形态的分析, 结合比较外部形态和分子系统发育, 认为红豆荔枝螺和刺荔枝螺与其余11种之间已达到属间关系, 建议将红豆荔枝螺和刺荔枝螺归为红螺亚科的Mancinella属。
关键词:  荔枝螺属(Thais)  齿舌  分类学
基金项目:海洋局公益性项目(201205024-2); 国家贝类产业技术体系项目(CARS-48)
The radula research of 13 Thais species in China coast
We observed the radula of 13 Thais species by scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the radula form of Thais is 0︰1︰1︰1︰0. Radula prominent and sharp consistent with the species are carnivorous. All species have a wide-based central tooth which has a central cusp, two lateral cusp. All species have two lateral teeth which are like slender curved sickle. The central teeth are covered with denticle, which are asymmetric and plastic, with different number and shape in the same species. Most of them are inner denticle on lateral cusp and outer denticle on lateral cusp. Therefore, they can be used as part of the basis in the classification of Thais genus. Marginal cusps are different in all species. All species have two marginal cusp except T.mancinella and T.echinata. The radula of T.mancinella and T.echinata are Three-pronged model, the rest of the species are both ends of bifurcation model. Comprehensive comparison of the radula, shell morphology and molecular phylogeny inferred that evolutionary relationship of the species of T.mancinella, T.echinata and other 11 species beyond the genus classification definitions. We suggest classify T.mancinella and T.echinata into Mancinella gunes. This research provides materials for taxonomy of Thais and Muricidae in Thais coasts.
Key words:  Thais  radula  taxonomy  SEM
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