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引用本文:张诗山,张 虹,牛锡珍,张全斌.南非紫菜多糖抗衰老作用的研究[J].海洋科学,2013,37(9):68-71.
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张诗山1, 张 虹2, 牛锡珍2, 张全斌2
1.连云港天天海藻工业有限公司;2.中国科学院 海洋研究所
研究了南非紫菜(Porphyra capensis)多糖(PCP)对自然衰老小鼠抗氧化活性及免疫器官的影响。将PCP 以三个剂量(50、100、200 (mg/(kg)?d))腹腔注射给药, 连续给药20 d, 可以显著提高衰老小鼠的脾脏和胸腺指数, 提高衰老小鼠SOD 和GSH-Px 的活力及总抗氧化能力, 在高剂量时降低衰老动物的MDA 的含量。PCP 能够提高衰老小鼠的免疫机能和机体的抗氧化能力, 是一种比较理想的抗衰老保健产品。
关键词:  南非紫菜(Porphyra capensis)  多糖  抗衰老  抗氧化
Anti-Ageing effect of polysaccharide from Porphyra capensis on ageing mice
The effects of polysaccharide from Porphyra capensis (PCP) on the immune system and the antioxidative capacity in ageing mice were investigated in this study. PCP with different dose (50, 100 and 200 mg/kg respectively) was intraperitoneally injected to ageing Kunming mice daily for 20 days, and its effects on the thymus and spleen indices, serum MDA level, SOD, GSH-Px activities and the total antioxidative capacity in spleen and lung of the animals were measured. The results showed that thymus and spleen indices of ageing mice were significantly increased by PCP. PCP enhanced the SOD and GSH-Px activities and the total antioxidative capacity in ageing mice. PCP at high dose decreased the MDA level in ageing mice. The enhancing effect of PCP on the immune function and the antioxidative capacity of ageing mice indicated that PCP might be a potential anti-ageing drug candidate.
Key words:  Porphyra capensis  Polysaccharide  anti-ageing  antioxidant
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