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引用本文:仲昌维,杨俊钢.基于T/P 和Jason-1 高度计数据的渤黄东海潮汐信息提取[J].海洋科学,2013,37(10):78-85.
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基于T/P 和Jason-1 高度计数据的渤黄东海潮汐信息提取
仲昌维1, 杨俊钢2
对19 a 的TOPEX/POSEIDON(以下称T/P)和Jason-1 卫星高度计测高数据进行调和分析, 得到渤黄东海海域的8 个主要分潮(M2、S2、N2、K2、K1、O1、P1 和Q1)。提出一种将两类卫星高度计数据统一的方法, 消除了因两类卫星高度计校正算法等不同所导致的相互之间的偏差。变轨后的T/P与Jason-1 卫星加密了高度计对潮汐观测的空间分布。通过对交叉点处升轨与降轨的潮汐调和分析结果进行比较, 检验调和分析方法及高度计数据的可靠性; 将基于高度计数据的调和分析结果与验潮站资料进行比较, 以检验其正确性。4 个主要分潮(M2、S2、K1、O1)振幅之差的均方根介于1.0~1.8 cm, 迟角之差的均方根介于4.1°~7.8°。与已有研究结果相比, 调和分析结果的精确性有所提高。在此基础上, 综合变轨前后两类高度计测高数据的调和分析结果, 给出并分析了渤黄东海4 个主要分潮的同潮图。
关键词:  T/P(TOPEX/POSEIDON)  卫星高度计  Jason-1  调和分析  数据统一  同潮图
Extraction of tidal information in the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea based on T/P and Jason-1 altimeter data
The harmonic analysis of M2, S2, N2, K2, K1, O1, P1 and Q1 tidal constituents in the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea was performed utilizing 19 years altimeter data of T/P(TOPEX/POSEIDON) andJason-1. A data unification method was proposed to solve the differences of T/P and Jason-1 data due to different correction algorithms. After orbit transfer, the T/P and Jason-1 data enhanced the spatial distribution of tidal observation effectively. The intercomparison of harmonic constants derived from ascending and descending passes at crossover points was performed to evaluate the tidal harmonic analysis method and the altimeter data. The comparison between altimetry-derived and ground-measured harmonic constants at offshore and island stations indicated that the range of the amplitude RMS and phase lag of 4 principal constituents (M2, S2, K1, O1) were 1.0~1.8 cm and 4.1°~7.8°, respectively. Compared to previous studies, the accuracy of harmonics was improved. Finally, the cotidal charts of 4 principal constituents in the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea were drawn by combining the harmonics solutions from altimeter data.
Key words:  T/P(TOPEX/POSEIDON)  satellite altimetry  Jason-1  harmonic analysis  data unification  cotidal charts
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