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引用本文:翁申达,尤 锋,范兆飞,文爱韵,王丽娟.牙鲆Lhx1基因的克隆和表达分析[J].海洋科学,2013,37(11):1-8.
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翁申达1,2, 尤 锋1, 范兆飞1,2, 文爱韵1, 王丽娟1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所 中国科学院实验海洋生物学重点实验室;2.中国科学院大学
Lhx1基因对于哺乳动物卵巢缪勒氏管的形成具有重要作用, 但鱼类中的报道仅限于其在体轴和肾脏形成中的作用, 尚未见到其与性别及性腺发育相关的报道。本研究克隆获得了牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)Lhx1aLhx1b开放阅读框(ORF)序列, 长度分别为1224 bp 和1206 bp (GenBank 注册号为:JX999940、JX999941), 同源序列比较显示牙鲆Lhx1aLhx1b基因均具有两个LIM 及一个HOX 结构域, 符合Lhx1进化保守性。这两个基因在牙鲆雌、雄成鱼各组织RT-PCR 差异表达谱不尽相同, Lhx1a在精巢中弱表达, 卵巢中不表达, 在其他组织中雌、雄表达谱差异不大, 都只在脑和眼组织有弱表达;而Lhx1b的表达在性腺中相对较高, 且卵巢的表达量高于精巢。进一步检测牙鲆Lhx1aLhx1b在雌、雄性腺发育各期的表达谱, 发现这两个基因表达集中于Ⅲ、Ⅳ期性腺, Lhx1a在精巢中弱表达, Lhx1b卵巢中的表达明显高于精巢, 而在Ⅰ、ⅡII、Ⅴ期性腺几乎均不表达。由此推断牙鲆Lhx1aLhx1b均为性别相关基因, 但在两性性腺发育中的作用可能各有不同。
关键词:  Lhx1基因  牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)  RT-PCR  组织  性腺发育期
基金项目:“十二五”国家863 计划资助项目(2012AA092203); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41276171); 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2010CM007),国家科技基础条件平台建设运行项目——水产种质资源平台服运行服务
Cloning and expression analysis of Lhx1 in Paralichthys olivaceus
LIM homeobox protein 1 gene (Lhx1), was reported to play an important role in mammal mullerian duct development. But there is no report on this gene in fish so far, and only few papers studied its function during the formation of axis and kidney. In this study, the open reading frames of Lhx1a and Lhx1b were cloned from olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Their lengths are 1224 bp (GenBank Accession number, JX999940) and 1206 bp (JX999941), respectively. Lhx1a and Lhx1b proteins both have two LIM and one HOX highly conserved domains. The different expression patterns of Lhx1a and Lhx1b genes in male and female flounder tissues measured by RT-PCR showed that Lhx1a was expressed in testis but not in ovary. There are almost no expression signals in other tissues, and only brain and eye samples from both male and female individuals showed lower expression signals. The expression of Lhx1b in gonads was totally opposite to that of Lhx1a. Its expression in ovary is higher and that in testis is lower. Moreover, the expression patterns of these two genes at different gonad developmental stages were studied by RT-PCR. The results showed that there were almost no signals for these two genes at stage Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅴ in gonads. But, at stage Ⅲ and Ⅳ, the expression could be detected. Lhx1a has a lower expression at stage Ⅲ and Ⅳ of testis tissues, and Lhx1b has a higher expression in ovary and lower expression in testis. Then, both genes were sex-related genes, and their possible roles in testis and ovary development might be different.
Key words:  Lhx1  Paralichthys olivaceus  RT-PCR  tissue  gonad developmental stage
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