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引用本文:李 健,侯一筠,孙 瑞.台风模型风场建立及其模式验证[J].海洋科学,2013,37(11):95-102.
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李 健1,2,3, 侯一筠1,3, 孙 瑞1,2,3
关键词:  风暴增水  圆对称风场  模型风场  流入角
Surge model caused by 0814 Typhoon and mold wind field established
We simulated the surge and constructed a wind filed for 0814 Typhoon, which can be used for storm surge research later. We verified the surge simulation by data from Hong Kong Observatory. The results showed that when neglecting the effects of pressure and remote atmospheric, the simulation was satisfying and model error was within 20 percent. After researching circularly symmetric wind model, we found the Dual wind was the best. Then with the Fujita Formula we improved the parameterization of inflow angle, which connected inflow angle with temperature and wind velocity. We also discussed the effects of inflow angle’s change on surge. After adding moving wind field, we established a new wind field, in which the right wind velocity was larger and then also discussed its effects on surge. Finally, we added the background wind field, which reduced the surge around the maximum surge point and also increased surge near the center of typhoon. Through this study, it was not appropriate to consider the wind filed which contains information about the typhoon’s background wind field. In this situation, adding wind fields by formulas was a better choice.
Key words:  storm surge  circular symmetric wind field  mold wind field  inflow angle
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