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引用本文:刘 旭,曲桂燕,周裔彬,袁 毅,韩丽君.泡叶藻及海带藻渣中岩藻聚糖硫酸酯的提取及其抗氧化活性[J].海洋科学,2013,37(12):34-39.
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刘 旭1,2, 曲桂燕2,3, 周裔彬1, 袁 毅2, 韩丽君2
1.安徽农业大学;2.中国科学院 海洋研究所;3.中国海洋大学
采用超声波辅助提取方法提取泡叶藻(Ascophyllum mackaii)及海带(Laminaria japonica)藻渣中岩藻聚糖硫酸酯, 以均匀试验设计建立回归模型优化高效制备提取工艺。采用高效凝胶过滤色谱法(HPGPC)进行了相对分子质量检测及理化性质分析; 利用Fenton 反应检测法、邻苯三酚自氧化法等进行了抗氧化活性研究。结果表明, 优化的高效制备技术的超声波最佳条件为超声70 min, 温度为90℃,水提时间2 h, 料液比1︰ 80, 泡叶藻及海带藻渣中岩藻聚糖硫酸酯的高效提取率分别为4.49%和3.69%,分子质量分别为142 kDa 和136 kDa, 泡叶藻和海带藻渣中的岩藻聚糖硫酸酯均具有较好的清除超氧阴离子自由基、羟自由基能力及还原能力。海带的抗氧化活性总体略高于泡叶藻。
关键词:  海藻渣  岩藻聚糖硫酸酯  抗氧化活性  超声波辅助提取  理化性质
Ultrasound assisted extraction and in vitro antioxidant activity analysis of fucoidans from Ascophyllum mackaii and Laminaria japonica residue
Ultrasound assisted extraction was used to extract fucoidans from seaweed residue and the regression model was established by uniform design in order to optimize extraction conditions. The physicochemical properties and molecular weights of fucoidans from Laminaria japonica and Ascophyllum mackaii residue (LF and AF) were analyzed using high performance gel filtration chromatography (HPGFC) and their antioxidant activities were analyzed using fenton reaction and pyrogallol autoxidation assays. The results showed that the optimal condition was: ultrasound time 70 minutes, hot water extraction time 2 h, extraction temperature 90℃ and the ratio of solution to algae power was 80 (mL:g). Under this condition, the extraction rates of LF and AF were 4.49% and 3.69%, respectively. Molecular weights of LF and AF were 142 kDa and 136 kDa, respectively. Both LF and AF had strong scavenging capability on hydroxyl radicals and superoxide radicals, and had excellent reducing power. Moreover, LF exhibited a stronger in vitro antioxidant activity than NF.
Key words:  Ascophyllum mackaii and Laminaria japonica residue  fucoidan  antioxidant activity  ultrasound assisted extraction  physicochemical property
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