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引用本文:杨炳忠,杨 吝,谭永光,张 鹏,晏 磊.湛江近海虾拖网副渔获组成分析与评价[J].海洋科学,2014,38(1):65-70.
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杨炳忠1, 杨 吝1, 谭永光1, 张 鹏1, 晏 磊1
中国水产科学研究院 南海水产研究所, 农业部南海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室
为了探明南海北部虾拖网副渔获的种类组成、优势种类和幼鱼比例等情况, 2012 年8 月1~5 日作者于湛江近海进行了虾拖网副渔获调查。结果表明: 湛江近海虾拖网副渔获种类极多, 副渔获物与虾类的质量比为3.9: 1; 副渔获物的主要种类为蟹类和鱼类; 蟹类副渔获物的优势种类分别为红星梭子蟹(Portunus sanguinolentus)、三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)和远海梭子蟹(Portunus pelagicus), 其相对重要性(IRI)分别为7558.72、6540.72 和2826.41; 鱼类优势副渔获物的种类分别为褐斑三线舌鳎(Cynoglossus trigrammus)、少鳞鱚(Sillago japonica)、多齿蛇鲻(Saurida tumbil)和六带石斑鱼(Epinephelus sexfasciatus), 其IRI 分别为3158.94、1755.57、1294.44 和1058.46; 副渔获物的幼鱼比极高。最后, 作者结合相关研究, 对如何从技术层面解决南海区虾拖网严重的副渔获问题进行了探讨, 以促进南海区虾拖网渔业的可持续发展。
关键词:  虾拖网  副渔获  渔获组成  幼鱼比例
基金项目:公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201203018); 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2012TS12)
Analysis and assessment of by-catch composition of shrimp beam trawl in coastal sea of Zhanjiang
Fishery surveys were conducted in coastal sea of Zhanjiang, between August 1st and 5th, 2012, to obtain the by-catch composition, dominant species and the percentage of the unmatured fish in shrimp beam trawl fishery. The result indicated that the by-catch species was quite a few, the weight of by-catch to shrimp was about 3.9︰1; the dominant by-catch species were crab and fish; the dominant by-catch species of crab were Portunus trituberculatus, Portunus sanguinolentus and Portunus pelagicus, and their IRI were 7558.72, 6540.72 and 2826.41, respectively; the dominant by-catch species of fish were Cynoglossus trigrammus, Sillago japonica, Saurida tumbil and Epinephelus sexfasciatus, and their IRI were 3158.94, 1755.57, 1294.44 and 1058.46, respectively; the percentage of the unmatured fish was very high. Finally, the technological way to solve the serious problem of by-catch in shrimp beam trawl fishery of the south sea of China was discussed.
Key words:  shrimp beam trawl  by-catch  catch composition  percentage of the unmatured fish
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