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引用本文:方 怡,徐永福,李阳春,覃 军.风场对全球海洋CFC-11 吸收的影响[J].海洋科学,2014,38(2):6-20.
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风场对全球海洋CFC-11 吸收的影响
方 怡1,2, 徐永福2, 李阳春2, 覃 军1
1.中国地质大学(武汉) 环境学院;2.中国科学院大气物理研究所 大气边界层物理和大气化学国家重点试验室
为了在中国科学院大气物理研究所的全球海洋模式(LASG/IAP Climate Ocean Model, LICOM)中研究不同的风场引起的海气传输速度对三氯一氟甲烷(CFC-11)在海洋中的分布和吸收产生的影响, 同时选出更适用于LICOM 模式模拟海洋对气体吸收的风场, 本文做了4 组对比实验, 即传输速度为常数(实验-C)以及依赖3 个不同风场(Esbensen and Kushnir 观测风场(实验-EK)、National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP)再分析风场(实验-NP)、QuikSCAT 卫星风场(实验-QS))的实验。在对比分析中重点考察了CFC-11 的海气通量、海表浓度、水柱总量、传输过程等。结果显示, 不同风场带来的传输速度差异会造成模拟结果在局部海域存在显著差异, 但在大部分海域的差异并不显著。而且随着积分时间的增加,从海气通量、存储量两方面可以看出, 不同模拟结果之间的差异有着减小的趋势。如1955 年1 月北大西洋局部地区, 不同的风场下的海气通量模拟结果间的差异达到20%左右, 到了1995 年1 月这种差异下降到15%左右。此外, 传输速度的选取依赖风场计算值的全球平均值(试验-C)会造成模拟结果相对偏小, 而风速相对较大的QuikSCAT 卫星风场资料在一定程度上使得模式模拟结果与观测资料更为接近。
关键词:  三氯一氟甲烷(CFC-11)  风场  吸收  传输速度
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划(“973 计划”, 2010CB951802);国家自然科学基金(41075091, 40730106, 41105087)
Influence of wind fields on the uptake of CFC-11 in the global ocean model
Using a global ocean general circulation model (LICOM) developed by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, we conducted four numerical experiments to investigate the influence of different wind fields on the uptake and transport of CFC-11 in the global ocean. Three experiments were performed using the same formula of the air-sea gas transfer velocity that is dependent on wind speed, in which wind speeds were from Esbensen and Kushnir (Exp-EK), NCEP (Exp-NP) and QuickSCAT (Exp-QS). Another experiment is called Exp-C, in which the transfer velocity is a space-independent constant of 14.5 cm/h that is the same as the global annual mean value of Exp-EK. The air-sea flux, surface concentration, and column inventory of CFC-11, as well as its interior transport processes were investigated in these four experiments. The difference of the air-sea gas transfer velocity resulting from the difference in wind fields generated a remarkable difference in the air-sea CFC-11 in the local area, but the difference is not notable in most regions of the ocean. This differencedecreased with the increase of integral time. For example, in local area of the North Atlantic in Jan.1955, the difference in the simulated air-sea flux among these three experiments could reach about 20%. The difference in the simulated flux among these three experiments in local area of the North Atlantic deceased to about 15% in Jan. 1995. In addition, a constant transfer velocity (Exp-C) generally generates a relatively smaller value. The Exp-QS in which wind speed is relatively higer leads to that simulated results are closer to the observation than other simulations to some degree.
Key words:  CFC-11  wind field  uptake  transfer velocity
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