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引用本文:李 军,宋金明.稳健统计和Grubbs 检验法在实验室间能力验证结果分析中的应用——以海洋生物体中总汞测定结果为例[J].海洋科学,2014,38(2):29-33.
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稳健统计和Grubbs 检验法在实验室间能力验证结果分析中的应用——以海洋生物体中总汞测定结果为例
李 军1, 宋金明1
中国科学院 海洋研究所
报道了用稳健统计技术(Robust statistical technique)和Grubbs 检验法, 在实验室间能力验证海洋生物体样品总汞含量检测结果评定分析中的应用。结果分析表明, 用稳健统计技术和Grubbs 检验法,对多家实验室参加的海洋生物体样品总汞含量检测能力验证数据中的离群值进行评定, 其结果具有一致性, 相比而言, 稳健统计技术的数据处理和计算程序更加科学、直观和简洁方便, 可很好地反映多个实验室能力验证的数据统计分析和结果评价。
关键词:  稳健统计  Grubbs 检验  实验室间能力验证  测定结果评定分析
Application of robust statistical technique and Grubbs test method in inter-laboratory proficiency testing of data analyzing——Measurement of total Hg content in marine organisms as an example
This paper reported the application of robust statistical technique and Grubbs test method in inter-laboratory proficiency testing of total mercury measurement in marine organisms. Results showed that both of the methods performed well in determining the statistical outliers and laboratory’s performance ability in proficiency testing with participation of 51 laboratories. For both methods, their statistical results matched very well with each other. Compared with Grubbs test method, robust statistical technique is more scientific, intuitive and easier, and could be used for data analysis and testing proficiency evaluation among multiple laboratories.
Key words:  Robust statistical technique  Grubbs’ test method  Inter-laboratory proficiency testing  Data processing and analyzing
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