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引用本文:梅建凤,李 莎,茅鹤婷,王 鸿,应国清.一株产琼胶酶海洋细菌的分离与鉴定[J].海洋科学,2014,38(2):71-75.
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梅建凤1, 李 莎1, 茅鹤婷1, 王 鸿1, 应国清1
浙江工业大学 药学院
为获得琼胶酶活性高产菌株, 对采集的海水样品进行了产酶微生物的分离、筛选和鉴定。经过平板培养预筛和两次摇瓶培养筛选, 从浙江省舟山市普陀区近海海水样品中分离到一株琼胶酶产生菌G-5, 该菌株液体培养产酶活力可达到413.8 U/mL。G-5 菌株的菌落呈乳白色、半透明、表面湿润; 菌体革兰氏染色阴性, 大小0.58~0.69 μm×1.50~2.26 μm; 光学显微镜下呈短杆状, 略有弧形。G-5 菌株的16S rDNA 序列与NCBI 数据库中15 个弧菌属(Vibrio)菌株的16S rDNA 有98%的同源性, 可以确定G-5 菌株是一株弧菌(Vibrio sp.)。
关键词:  琼胶酶  弧菌(Vibrio sp.)  分离与鉴定  16S rDNA
Isolation and identification of a bacterial strain producing agarase from sea water
To obtain microbes for producing high activity agarase, a series of bacterial strains in sea water were isolated, screened and identified. By prescreening in plate cultivation and twice screening in liquid cultivation, a strain designated as G-5 was isolated from sea water that was taken from Zhoushan coastal areas in Zhejiang Province. The activity of agarase produced by G-5 could reach 413.8 U/mL. The colony of G-5 was milky white and semitransparent with a wet surface. The cell of G-5 was Gram negative and rod-shaped with a size of 0.58~0.69 μm×1.50~2.26 μm. The 16S rDNA sequence of G-5 was 98% homologous to 15 strains of Vibrio species in the database of NCBI. It could be concluded that the strain G-5 was a Vibrio species.
Key words:  Agarase  Vibrio sp.  Isolation and Identification  16S rDNA
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