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引用本文:刘 勇.2009 年夏季罗源湾鱼卵仔鱼物种多样性分析[J].海洋科学,2014,38(2):80-85.
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2009 年夏季罗源湾鱼卵仔鱼物种多样性分析
刘 勇1
为探究福建罗源湾鱼卵、仔鱼物种多样性及分布, 作者根据2009 年7 月在罗源湾鱼卵、仔鱼调查资料, 对罗源湾鱼卵和仔鱼的优势度、物种多样性进行分析, 并就其与环境因子的关系进行了探讨。结果共采集到21 种鱼类的鱼卵和仔鱼, 其中, 鱼卵11 种、仔鱼15 种。鱼卵中优势种类为康氏小公鱼(Stolephorus commersonli) 和中颌棱鳀(Thrissa mystax), 仔鱼中优势种类为中颌棱鳀和鲾属某种(Leiognathus sp.)。调查海域仔鱼多样性指数低于鱼卵, 仔鱼优势种突出, 且优势度较大。鱼卵、仔鱼多样性指数最高区分别为Ⅰ区和Ⅱ区。相关分析显示, 罗源湾夏季鱼卵多样性指数与盐度呈显著正相关性。
关键词:  鱼卵、仔鱼  优势度  多样性  环境因子  罗源湾
基金项目:福建省水产研究所青年科技基金项目(014006); 福建省南方石化罗源湾海域渔业资源调查项目
Species diversity analysis of ichthyoplankton in Luoyuan Bay in summer of 2009
Based on the data collected from the ichthyoplankton survey in Luoyuan Bay in July 2009, the species dominance, diversity and the relationship with environmental factors of ichthyoplankton were analyzed. The results showed that there were 21 species of ichthyoplankton collected in the survey, including 11 species eggs and 15 species larvae. For fish eggs, the dominant species were Stolephorus commersonli and Thrissa mystax, while for larvae, the dominant species were Thrissa mystax and Leiognathus sp. In the survey area, diversity index for larvae was less than fish eggs, and the dominant species with high dominance was prominent in larvae. The highest value of diversity for fish eggs and larvae, occurred in zoneⅠand zoneⅡ, respectively. The correlation analysis indicated that the diversity index of fish eggs in Luoyuan bay in summer had a significant positive correlation with salinity.
Key words:  Ichthyoplankton  dominance  diversity  environmental factor  Luoyuan Bay
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