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引用本文:高 松,黄 娟,白 涛,曹雅静,吴玲娟,钟 山.2008 年与2009 年黄海绿潮漂移路径分析[J].海洋科学,2014,38(2):86-90.
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2008 年与2009 年黄海绿潮漂移路径分析
高 松1,2, 黄 娟1,2, 白 涛1,2, 曹雅静1,2, 吴玲娟1,2, 钟 山1,2
利用卫星资料分析了2008 年和2009 年黄海绿潮的漂移路径的差异, 基于QSCAT(Quick Scatterometer)卫星风场及海洋模式表层环流模拟结果, 分析了绿潮漂移路径差异的动力机制。结果表明: 2008(2009)年绿潮发生期间黄海海域以南东(偏南)风为主, 江苏至山东半岛南岸海域表层平均流为偏北(东北)向, 青岛附近海域低频余流为偏西(东)向流, 致使绿潮的漂移方向为西北(东北)向, 在青岛(烟台-威海)近岸海域发生聚集。2008年和2009 年绿潮漂移路径差异, 主要由海面风与表层环流的共同作用引起。通过对黄海海域海面风场和表层流场的早期预报, 可以提前预判绿潮的影响区域和程度, 为政府相关部门防灾减灾工作提供决策支持。
关键词:  黄海  绿潮  漂移路径
Analysis on drifting path of Green Tides in the Yellow Sea in 2008 and 2009
The drifting paths of Green Tides in the Yellow Sea in 2008 and 2009 were analyzed based on satellite remote sensing data. Results showed that the paths in 2008 and 2009 were different. Meanwhile, the underlying dynamic mechanism of the differences in the drifting paths was studied using wind data obtained from QSCAT (Quick Scatterometer) and sea surface current data from numerical modeling. During the occurrence of Green Tides in 2008(2009), the wind direction in the Yellow Sea was basically south-eastern(southern), the surface current direction in the area between Jiangsu and Shandong was northern(north-eastern), and the direction of low-frequency residual current near Qingdao was western(eastern), so the Green Tides drifted north-westward(north-eastward) and were accumulated near Qingdao(Yantai and Weihai). It is found that the drifting path of Green Tides is mainly affected by wind and surface current. With forecasting of wind and surface current of the Yellow Sea, effect area and extent of Green Tides can be revalued in advance, consequently, decision supporting disaster prevention and mitigation will be provided for relevant government.
Key words:  the Yellow Sea, Green Tides, drifting path
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