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引用本文:丁 明,周 林,韩京云,宋庆磊,宋转玲,李新放,刘海行.面向海洋信息管理的轻量级CA 的设计与实现[J].海洋科学,2014,38(2):91-95.
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面向海洋信息管理的轻量级CA 的设计与实现
丁 明1, 周 林1, 韩京云1, 宋庆磊1, 宋转玲1, 李新放1, 刘海行1
国家海洋局第一海洋研究所 海洋信息与计算中心
面向海洋信息管理的需求, 基于J2EE 平台, 使用Bouncy Castle 提供的加密算法与工具, 遵从PKI(Public Key Infrastructure, 公钥基础设施)相关标准, 实现了一个适用于中小型海洋信息管理系统的轻量级数字证书认证机构(CA, Certificate Authority)。该CA 提供了适用于中小型海洋信息管理系统的数据存储与传输加密功能, 为通过网络实现高效的海洋科研数据收集与共享管理提供了技术上的安全保障。
关键词:  海洋信息安全  海洋信息管理  Bouncy Castle  数字证书认证机构(CA, Certificate Authority)  加密
Design and implementation of lightweight CA for marine information management
In order to meet marine information management requirement, in this paper, we have successfully set up a lightweight CA (Certificate Authority) which is suitable for various small marine management information systems. The achievement of this lightweight CA was based on the J2EE platform, based on, using Bouncy Castle encryption algorithms and tools and conforming to PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) standard. The CA provides encryption function for data storage and transmission to small and medium marine management information systems. It can offer efficient protection for transfer and sharing of marine scientific information.
Key words:  marine information security  marine management information  Bouncy Castle  CA (Certificate Authority)  encryption
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