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引用本文:鲁景亮,孙 松,张光涛,赵增霞.2011年夏季胶州湾表层溶解有机物荧光特征的时空变化[J].海洋科学,2014,38(4):1-6.
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鲁景亮1,2, 孙 松1,3, 张光涛3, 赵增霞3
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所 海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室;2.中国科学院大学;3.山东胶州湾海洋生态系统 国家野外科学观测研究站
利用三维荧光光谱技术(EEMs)结合平行因子分析(PARAFAC)的方法, 对2011 年8 月至9 月胶州湾表层海水溶解有机物荧光特征的时间与空间变化进行了研究。PARAFAC 模型共鉴别出四个荧光组分: 类蛋白质荧光组分(C1), 陆源类腐殖质荧光组分(C2, C4)和海源类腐殖质荧光组分(C3)。类蛋白组分在调查期间的荧光强度最强(0.14±0.06), 其余三个组分荧光强度相近(0.07±0.02, 0.09±0.02, 0.05±0.02)。这四种组分在8 月下旬多雨期和9 月上旬受径流影响的时期荧光强度较高, 在9 月下旬雨季影响消退后荧光强度显著降低。研究表明各组分荧光强度总体上与叶绿素a浓度显著正相关, 与盐度负相关, 说明胶州湾夏季FDOM 浓度主要受降雨引发的生物活动影响。
关键词:  溶解有机物(DOM)  荧光特征  三维荧光光谱技术(EEMs)  胶州湾
Temporal and spatial variation of fluorescence characteristics of dissolved organic matters during summer of 2011 in Jiaozhou Bay
Herein, the temporal and spatial variation of fluorescent characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter in surface seawater in the Jiaozhou Bay, during August and September of 2011 was studied by using Excitation-Emission Matrix Spectrum (EEMs) combined with Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC). Four fluorescent components including protein-like component (C1), terrestrial humic-like component (C2, C4) and marine humic-like component (C3) were identified by PARAFAC. The intensity of protein-like component was the highest (0.14±0.06), and the intensities of the other three components were close (0.07±0.02, 0.09±0.02 and 0.05±0.02) during the investigation. In late August and early September, the intensities of four components were high, as influenced by rainfall and surface runoff, and then significantly decreased in late September after rainfall. This study shows generally positive correlation between intensity of fluorescent components and chlorophyll a while negative correlation between intensity of fluorescent components and salinity. It shows that the concentration of FDOM in the Jiaozhou Bay was mainly influenced by biological activities caused by rainfall.
Key words:  Dissolved organic matter  fluorescent characteristics  excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy  Jiaozhou Bay
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