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引用本文:范陈清,张 杰,王际朝,万 勇,孟俊敏.基于雷达水位计的海浪波高信息提取算法及其精度评价[J].海洋科学,2014,38(6):47-51.
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范陈清1, 张 杰1, 王际朝1, 万 勇1, 孟俊敏1
为了证明雷达水位计波高测量的有效性, 基于PY30-1 石油平台上的雷达水位计海面高度变化观测数据, 开展了雷达水位计海浪波高信息提取算法研究。基于所发展算法提取海浪波高信息, 与同一平台上的C 波段测波雷达观测数据及平台附近的浮标观测数据进行了比对分析。结果表明, 雷达水位计数据提取的海面波高数据与C 波段测波雷达及浮标测量数据一致性较好, 二者标准偏差分别为0.006 和0.008 m, 均方根误差(RMS)分别为0.55 和0.60 m。波高小于4 m 时一致性优于波高大于4 m 的一致性, 波高大于4 m 时水位计提取的波高偏小。因此, 雷达水位计可作为波高观测的重要数据源之一。
关键词:  水位计  波浪  测波雷达  浮标
基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(2008AA09A403); 国家海洋公益性科研专项(201105032-1)
Extraction algorithm and accuracy evaluation of ocean wave height based on radar water gauge measurement
To verify the effectiveness of wave height measured by radar water gauge. Herein, the ocean wave height extraction algorithm by radar water gauge was developed based on the sea surface height variation data observed by radar water gauge installed on the PY30-1 oil platform. Ocean wave height data extracted by the presented method were compared with the data from C-band wave radar installed on the same platform and the buoy located close to the platform. The results show that the sea surface wave height from the radar water gauge was consistent with that observed by C-band wave radar and buoy. The standard deviation was 0.006 m and 0.008 m, and the RMS was 0.55 m and 0.60 m,respectively. The consistence of wave height that less than 4 meters is better than that of the wave height more than 4 m, and the wave height extracted by radar water gauge was lower when the real wave height was higher than 4 m. Hence, the radar water gauge is one of the important techniques for wave height measurement.
Key words:  water gauge  ocean wave  wave observation radar  buoy
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