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张月明1, 梁晓林1, 赵志楠1, 韩晓庆2, 金照光3, 高伟明1
1.河北师范大学 资源与环境科学学院;2.河北省国土资源利用规划院;3.昌黎黄金海岸国家级自然保护区管理处
依据国家海洋环境监测中心 2009~2013 年测得的数据和资料, 对河北昌黎生态监控区潮间带生物的种类组成、栖息密度、生物量、优势种以及多样性指数进行统计运算, 分析该监控区5 年时间尺度的潮间带生物多样性变化趋势。结果表明: 监控区共鉴定出潮间带生物5 门, 包括节肢动物、环节动物、软体动物、棘皮动物和脊索动物, 共17 科, 26 种, 类型较少, 年际种数呈逐年下降趋势; 栖息密度与生物量较低, 保持低潮带>中潮带>高潮带的特征; 优势种群变化显著, 节肢动物、环节动物和软体动物交替出现, 优势种数逐年减少, 优势度上升, 对其他物种抑制作用增强; 均匀度指数(J)呈微上升趋势, 变化范围为0.64~0.81, 状况良好, 物种多样性指数(H′)和丰富度指数(dMa)水平较低, 分别为0.81~3.23 和0.48~3.96, 生物多样性水平呈下降态势。
关键词:  生态监控区  昌黎  潮间带  生物多样性  变化趋势
The inter-annual variation trend of intertidal biodiversity in August in the ecology-monitoring area of Changli in Hebei
According to the monitoring data and information obtained from National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, the species composition, density, biomass, dominant species and the trend of biodiversity variation in the ecology-monitoring area of Changli in Hebei Province from 2009 to 2013 were analyzed. The results showed that 5 phylum including arthropods, annelid, mollusks, echinodermata and chordata, totally 17 family and 26 species were identified. The types and number of species were declined annually. The density and biomass were consistent with the characteristics of low tidal zone>medium tidal zone>high tidal zone. The dominant species were changed significantly, by which arthropods, annelid and mollusks appearing alternately. As the decreasing of the number of dominant species, the dominance index went up which suppressed the other species. The Shannon-Wiener’s index (H′), Margalef’s richness index (dMa) were low, and their variation ranges were 0.81~3.23 and 0.48~3.96, respectively. The variation range of Pielou’s evenness index (J) was 0.64~0.8, which presented a miniature uptrend and stable status.
Key words:  ecology-monitoring area  Changli  intertidal  biodiversity  variation trend
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