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蓝文陆1, 李天深1, 韩丽君1
通过3 个航次的调查, 分析了2008 年枯水季、丰水季和平水季广西铁山港附近海域无机氮、活性磷酸盐和活性硅酸盐的分布特征及营养盐结构特征, 探讨该海域营养盐季节变化及其影响因素。结果表明,铁山港附近海域无机氮的浓度范围为1.03~44.99 μmol/L, 活性磷酸盐浓度为0.03~1.57 μmol/L, 活性硅酸盐的浓度为7.86~102.14 μmol/L。高浓度的营养盐主要分布在铁山港湾内及靠岸站点, 营养盐的浓度均从铁山港湾口向北海南部海域呈递减的趋势。无机氮、活性磷酸盐和活性硅酸盐显现了相近的季节变化特征, 即枯水期到丰水期浓度增加之后从丰水期到平水期浓度降低。该海区无机氮主要以硝酸盐氮和氨氮占最主要比重, 枯水期和丰水期以硝酸盐氮为主而平水期以氨氮为主。海区N/P 和Si/P 较高, 表明该海区N 限制减弱而P 限制加重。铁山港营养盐的季节变化主要受到径流等输入的影响, 浮游植物的消耗也可能是其季节变化的原因之一。
关键词:  北部湾铁山港  营养盐分布  季节变化  影响因素
基金项目:广西科学研究与技术开发计划项目(桂科合14125008-2-8;桂科攻14124004-3-13); 广西自然科学基金项目(2013GXNSFAA019281;2013GXNSFBA019224); 国家环境保护公益性行业科研专项项目(201309008)
Distribution and seasonal variation of nutrition in the adjacent waters of Tieshangang bay in Guangxi
Based on the data obtained from three cruises in dry, flood and normal seasons in 2008, the spatial distribution and seasonal variation of inorganic nitrogen, reactive silicate and phosphate as well as nutrient structure in adjacent waters of the Tieshangang bay in Guangxi were studied. The concentration of inorganic nitrogen ranged from 1.03 to 44.99 μmol/L, while the reactive silicate ranged from 0.03 to 1.57 μmol/L and phosphate ranged from 7.86 to 102.14 μmol/L, respectively. The high nutrient concentration was mainly located in the inner of the Tieshangang bay and coastal stations. Concentration of nutrition gradually decreased from the mouth of Tieshangang bay to the sea area in the south of Beihai city. Similar seasonal changes of inorganic nitrogen, reactive silicate and phosphate were also observed, which increased from dry season to flood season, and then fell in normal season. Nitrate and ammonia are the major composition of the inorganic nitrogen in the study area. Nitrate took the largest part of nitrogen in dry season and flood season, while turned to ammonia in normal season. The ratio of N︰P and Si︰P was relatively high in the study area, and P became the limited nutrition. Seasonal variation of nutrition in the Tieshangang bay is mainly influenced by river run-off and phytoplankton consumption.
Key words:  Tieshangang bay  nutrition distribution  nutrition structure  seasonal variation
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