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引用本文:唐 帅,笪良龙,徐国军,崔宝龙.深海会聚区波导不变量特征研究及应用[J].海洋科学,2014,38(7):82-88.
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唐 帅1, 笪良龙1, 徐国军1, 崔宝龙1
为了解决深海会聚区目标及其运动态势难以判断的问题, 在研究会聚区形成条件和其声场传播规律以及波导不变量理论的基础上, 对典型深海环境不同位置的声强距离-频率分布图中的干涉条纹特征进行理论分析和仿真验证。结果表明, 深海会聚区存在与其他区域不同的干涉条纹特征, 其对应的波导不变量β值为负。本文提出了利用会聚区特有的干涉条纹特征, 对会聚区目标及其运动态势进行初步判断的方法, 仿真结果和试验数据表明, 判断方法具有可行性和有效性。
关键词:  波导不变量  会聚区  目标运动态势
基金项目:国防预研基金项目(51303080302-5); 国家自然科学基金(61203271); 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(NCET)
Characters and application of waveguide invariant in deepocean convergence zone
In order to solve the difficulties in judgment of whether target is in convergence zone (CZ) as well as its movement in CZ, by analyzing formation conditions of CZ and its acoustic propagation, the characters of waveguide invariant in deep-ocean were analyzed based on waveguide invariant theory and the simulation tests were performed. The theoretical analysis and simulation results both show that there were special waveguide invariant striations in CZ and the valve of its waveguide invariant β was negative. Using these characters, the method to judge whether target is in CZ and the its movement in CZ was proposed and simulated. The simulation and experimental data both show that the judgment was valid.
Key words:  waveguide invariant  convergence zone (CZ)  target movement
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