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引用本文:刘文龙,胡兴树,季 民,王春晓.基于剖分的中尺度海洋温度场三维显示技术[J].海洋科学,2014,38(8):94-98.
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刘文龙1,2, 胡兴树1,2,3, 季 民1,2, 王春晓1,2,3
1.海岛(礁)测绘技术国家测绘地理信息局重点实验室;2.山东科技大学 测绘科学与工程学院;3.国家测绘地理信息局第七地形测量队
针对网格化和数据量庞大的中尺度海洋标量场数据在其三维可视化中表现出来的构造效率较低和表达连续性效果较差的问题, 以剖分重构为核心思想, 采用三线性插值算法对数据进行加密处理,基于不同角度平面对温度场进行剖分和色彩映射, 最后采用OpenSceneGraph 图像渲染引擎的颜色、光照、透明度和回调等渲染技术展现更为真实的、科学的动态三维温度场, 提供一种简洁、高效、科学的中尺度海洋温度场表达方法。
关键词:  海洋温度场  剖分重构技术  重组  渲染  动态三维
基金项目:海岛(礁)测绘技术国家测绘地理信息局重点实验室资助项目(2013B13); 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20113718110001)
Three-dimensional display of sea temperature in the mesoscale field based on the split reconstruction technique
The three-dimensional display research on the mesoscale sea temperature field on construction efficiency and expression fluency should be strengthened due to the huge quantity and grid characteristics of the data. In order to provide a simple, efficient, scientific expression method for mesoscale sea temperature field, gulf of Aden area temperature field was split in different angle, and the two-dimensional sequence images were stick into slices as texture. Reconstructed three-dimensional temperature field model with color, light, transparency, callback and rendering technology, which reflect the real and scientific dynamic three-dimensional sea temperature field.
Key words:  sea temperature field  split  reorganization  rendering  dynamic three-dimensional
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