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引用本文:连喜虎,庞重光,高 山.ARGO观测资料的2种同化方案[J].海洋科学,2014,38(10):17-25.
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连喜虎1,2,3, 庞重光1,2, 高 山1,2
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国科学院 海洋环流与波动重点实验室;3.中国科学院大学
使用POM(Princeton Ocean Model)海洋环流模式模拟西北太平洋海域的温盐场, 之后运行中国科学院大气物理研究所同化系统(Ocean Variational Analysis System, OVALS), 使用Argo观测网格化产品进行2006 年整个计算域三维变分同化。无论从平面分布还是断面分布来看, 除海表面温度(SST)外,温度同化的效果都比较好, 尤其是800 m水深以浅, 均方差值甚至能减小1.0℃以上。而且随着同化积分时间的增加, 同化后误差减小越来越显著, 3、4 月份的同化效果明显高于1、2 月份。与OFES(OGCM for the Earth Simulator)海洋模式结果相比, 同化在一定程度上改进了模拟结果。在POM(Princeton Ocean Model)数值模拟基础上, 利用3 个西太平洋代表性浮标的观测资料, 运用松弛逼近法同化2006年6 月断面数据。当松弛系数取0.5 时, 模拟时间大约半天, 模拟值就能快速逼近或完全等于观测值。虽然只对观测剖面进行了数据同化, 但该同化可以产生更大范围的效果, 而且这种效果可以持续更长时间。
关键词:  Argo 观测资料  数据同化  同化系统(OVALS)  松弛逼近法  POM(Princeton Ocean Model)  OFES(OGCM for the Earth Simulator)资料
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61233013); 国家重大科学研究计划(2012CB956004)
Two schemes on assimilation with Argo data obatined from the west Pacific
The Ocean Variational Analysis System (OVALS) assimilation system designed by the institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and nudging method were used to assimilate the Argo grid data with the resolution of 1°×1° and Argo profile data into Princeton Ocean Model(POM)numerical model, respectively. The assimilation of Argo grid data in 2006 indicated that the 3D variation data assimilation improved the simulation results of temperature, reducing about 1.0℃ in root mean square error of either horizontal or vertical distribution except for SST. Furthermore, the grid data assimilation evolved over time, which was better in March and April than that in January and February. In comparison with independent OGCM for the Earth Simulator (OFES) data, the data assimilation only partially enhanced the accuracy of simulated temperature pattern due to an inherent large difference between OFES data and Argo grid data that were used during the data assimilation. The nudging method was applied to assimilate the Argo profile data into POM numerical model in the summer of 2006. The process of nudging was very rapid, which completed within about half day assuming the relaxation coefficient was 0.5. The nudging assimilation also manifested that the temperature structure even far from the Argo profiles could be rapidly influenced, and the remote impact could remain several days.
Key words:  Argo data  data assimilation  ocean variational analysis system (OVALS)  nudging  Princeton Ocean Model (POM)  OGCM for the Earth Simulator (OFES) data
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