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姜海滨1, 马海涛1, 刘丽娟1, 周文江2, 贾超峰1,3, 史学营3, 赵中华1, 杜荣斌4
1.山东省海洋资源与环境研究院 山东省海洋生态修复重点实验室;2.东方海洋科技股份有限公司;3.上海海洋大学 水产与生命学院;4.烟台大学 海洋学院
为培育优良的黑鲪(Sebastes schlegeli)养殖新品种, 作者于2005~2007 年以采捕于荣成、日照、青岛和长岛的4 个黑鲪野生地理群体及2006 年荣成群体选育的F1 代为亲本, 采用杂交选育和半同胞家系选育的方法, 从2009 年到2011 年成功构建了6 个杂交群体和41 个半同胞家系。采用比较分析和方差分析对其生长情况进行比较, 结果表明: 各个选育群体和半同胞家系间体重差异较大, 体长变化较小。综合筛选获得2 个优良杂交群体和10 个优良半同胞家系: RCF1、WCF1 为2009 年最优杂交群体, CC2、QQ1、QC1、CC1 为2010 年最优半同胞家系, 2RZ1、F27、F29、F28、F26、F23 为2011 年最优半同胞家系。当以种源(即杂交亲本)为单位时, RC、WC 为2009 年最优种源; QQ、CC 为2010 年最优种源; 2RZ、F1 为2011 年最优种源。
关键词:  黑鲪(Sebastes schlegeli)  杂交  半同胞家系  选育
基金项目:山东省农业良种工程资助项目; 现代农业产业技术体系(nycytx-50)
A preliminary study of superior half-sib family selection of Sebastes schlegeli
To provide basic data for the genetic breeding program of Sebastes schlegeli, 41 families and 6 hybrid groups were established using half-sib family breeding and hybridization breeding methods. The growth situation of them was studied in 2009, 2010 and 2011. Wild parental animals were collected from Qingdao, Rizhao, Rongcheng, Changdao and Taihua Marine Aquaculture Co. LTD of Yantai from April 2005 to March 2007. The results showed that there were significant difference in weight and no marked difference in length between fish in testing groups. Ten superior half-sib families and two superior hybrid groups were obatined through screening, RCF1 and WCF1 were the best hybrid groups of 2009. CC2, QQ1, QC1 and CC1 were the best half-sib families of 2010. 2RZ1, F27, F29, F28, F26 and F23 were the best half-sib families of 2011. Considering the provenance (the source of the hybrid), family RC and WC, family QQ and CC, family 2RZ and F2 were the best provenances of 2009, 2010, 2011, respectively.
Key words:  Sebastes schlegeli  hybridization  half-sib family  selective breeding
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