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关键词:  星载SAR  小波变换  外部风向  海面风场
Ocean Wind Retrieval from Space-borne SAR Images based on Wind Streaks and External Wind Direction
CHENG Yu-xin,AI Wei-hua,KONG Yi and ZHAO Xian-bin
Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography,PLA University of Science and Technology,Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography,PLA University of Science and Technology,Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography,PLA University of Science and Technology,Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography,PLA University of Science and Technology
The mothod of ocean wind direction retrieval based on wind streaks texture feature have high precision , which depends on the wind streaks . And external wind direction of low precision is not easy to match with the SAR data at space and time resolution , thus affecting large area, high resolution sea surface wind field retrieval accuracy . A mothed of ocean wind retrieval from space-borne SAR images was proposed , which combines wind streaks texture feature with external wind direction . Using two-dimensional continuous wavelet transform to get high precision of the surface wind direction in the area of SAR image which texture feature obviouslyS, the rest of area was fill by wind direction from numerical weather prediction model . C-band empirical model is used to calculate wind speed , then realize sea surface wind field retrieval of high precision, large range . Carring out wind field retrieval experiment though ENVISAT/ASAR sounding data and compare the retrieval result with the buoy measured data to verify the validity of the method in this paper.The results show that the retrieval accuracy of the wavelet is better than the FFT method and the numerical prediction model , which is matching on the space and time with the SAR observation data and make up for theSinadequacy of the wind direction of wind streaks . A combination will provide business application support for ocean wind field retrieval from space-borne SAR images.
Key words:  Space-borne SAR  wavelet transform  External Wind Direction  Ocean wind field
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