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引用本文:金玉休,朱龙海,吴建政,胡日军,张 伟,姜胜辉.小清河感潮河段与河口区温排水模拟及对地貌的响应[J].海洋科学,2014,38(11):74-83.
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金玉休1, 朱龙海1,2, 吴建政1,2, 胡日军1,2, 张 伟1, 姜胜辉1,2
1.中国海洋大学 海洋地球科学学院;2.中国海洋大学 海底科学与探测技术教育部重点实验室
为研究感潮河段温排水的扩散规律及其与地形地貌的响应关系, 建立了二维温排水数学模型,模拟了不同径流量条件下小清河下游感潮河段及河口外海域温排水扩散影响, 以期对滨海电厂建设和温排水扩散研究提供借鉴。研究表明, 针对小清河感潮河段弯曲、河道狭窄、河口两侧潮滩宽阔的特点, 采用三角形与矩形网格嵌套的方法, 能够更为准确地拟合实际岸线和地形地貌特征; 采用动边界处理方法能较好地反映河口潮滩潮流场和温排水扩散特征。受小清河河口地形地貌的影响, 温排水主要沿河口向上游或下游扩散, 水深浅于–3 m 温排水扩散面积占总面积的70%以上; 小清河口外海域和取水口温升与潮位和径流量之间存在一定的相关关系。
关键词:  小清河感潮河段  河口区  温排水扩散  数值模拟  地貌响应
Thermal discharge simulation of the tidal reach of the Xiaoqinghe River and estuary area and the response to the landscape
A 2-D numerical model for simulating the flow and heat transport of power plant cooling water discharged was established. The results show that the Xiaoqinghe tidal river and estuary have the characteristics of channel bends, narrow river and broad tidal flat. The triangle and rectangular grid nested approach can fit the actual shoreline and terrain features more accurately. Moving boundary treatment method can better reflect the trend of estuarine intertidal drainage field and temperature diffusion characteristics. The cooling water mainly diffuses along the estuary to the upstream or downstream. The area with a depth of less than –3.0 m is above 70% of the total cooling water area. It reveals the correlation between temperature rise and tide as well as runoff.
Key words:  the Xiaoqinghe tidal river  estuary  cooling water dispersion  numerical simulation  geomorphology response
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