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刘丽雪1,2, 王玉珏1, 邸宝平1, 刘东艳1
1.中国科学院 烟台海岸带研究所 海岸带环境过程与生态修复重点实验室;2.中国科学院大学
分析了2012 年春季渤海中部及其邻近海域32 个站点叶绿素a 和环境因子的空间分布特征及其相互关系。结果发现: 渤海中部靠近黄河口邻近水域相对于其他水域, 呈现出相对较高的水温和较低的盐度, 这与黄河淡水输入以及近岸水深相对较浅有密切关系。营养盐浓度在空间分布上表现为黄河口附近海域较高, 在垂直分布上表现为中、底层高于表层, 显示出黄河水输入与沉积物营养盐再释放的影响; 此外, 营养盐浓度与结构显示, 渤海海域存在明显的磷和硅限制, 磷限制尤其严重。叶绿素a浓度的空间分布显示, 表层叶绿素a 浓度的高值区出现在渤海湾湾口处, 而中层与底层的叶绿素a 浓度高值区出现在渤海中部。主成分分析结果表明, 磷酸盐和温度是影响表层叶绿素a 浓度的重要因素,而中、底层叶绿素a 浓度主要受磷酸盐的影响。
关键词:  渤海  叶绿素a  环境因子  主成分分析
基金项目:中国科学院战略先导研究项目(XDA11020405); 中国科学院重点部署项目(KZZD-EW-14); 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41376121)
Spatial distribution of chlorophyll a and environmental factors in the Bohai Sea in spring of 2012
Based on the data collected from the Bohai Sea in May 2012, the spatial distribution and correlations between chlorophyll a (Chl-a) and environmental factors were studied. Compared with the central Bohai Sea, higher temperature and lower salinity were examined in seawaters close to the sea area of the Yellow River mouth, indicating the impact of freshwater input and shallower water depth in coastal waters. Spatial distribution of nutrients showed relatively higher concentrations close to the Yellow River mouth as a result of the nutrient loadings of Yellow River. Vertical variations displayed that nutrient concentrations in the bottom and middle water layers were generally higher than those in surface water layer, indicating the impact of the sediment release. Phosphate and silicate were identified as limiting factors at most sites, based on the analysis of nutrient concentrations and structures, and phosphate limitation was particularly serious. Concentrations of Chl-a in surface water were higher at the adjacent area of the Bohai Bay, but in middle and bottom water layers, the relatively higher concentrations of Chl-a occurred in the central of the Bohai Sea. The results of principal components analysis indicated that phosphate and temperature were major factors controlling the spatial distribution of Chl-a in the surface water layer, and phosphate was key factor in the middle and bottom water layers.
Key words:  Bohai Sea  chlorophyll a  environmental factors  Principal Components Analysis
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