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引用本文:周浩郎,张俊杰,杨明柳,邢永泽,吴 斌,阎 冰.廉州湾红树蚬的繁殖生物学研究[J].海洋科学,2014,38(12):34-39.
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周浩郎1, 张俊杰1,2, 杨明柳1,2, 邢永泽1, 吴 斌1, 阎 冰1
2011 年8 月至2012 年7 月, 采集广西北海廉州湾红树蚬(Polymesoda erosa)的周年样品进行了性腺发育、生殖周期和胚胎发育研究。结果表明, 红树蚬雌雄异体, 性别可通过成熟生殖腺颜色区分; 1年1 个生殖周期, 性腺发育可分为增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期和休止期5 个阶段, 性腺发育两性同步; 繁殖期从6 月延续到11 月, 其中7 月和10 月为繁殖高峰期; 肥满度指数最高为5.19%(5 月份),最低为1.98%(2 月份); 繁殖方式为非孵育型, 沉性卵, 外被一层厚的胶质卵膜, 水温26℃时, D 形幼虫孵出时间约为27h。
关键词:  红树蚬(Polymesoda erosa)  性腺发育  生殖周期  胚胎发育
基金项目:广西省自然科学基金项目(0639003); 广西科技计划项目(1010019-23, 1355007-4)
The reproductive biology of the mangrove clam Polymesoda erosa (Solander 1768) in Lianzhou Bay
The gonadal development, reproductive cycle, and embryonic development of Polymesoda erosa sampled from Lianzhou Bay of Beihai, Guangxi from August 2011 to July 2012 were studied. The results showed that P. erosa was dioecious and the sexes can be differentiated by the colors of ripe gonads. The clam had one productive cycle a year. The gametogenesis of P. erosa can be divided into five stages, including early active stage, late active stage, ripe stage, partially spawned stage and spent stage. Gametogenic development was synchronous between the sexes. P. erosa reproduced from June to November, and reached reproductive peaks in July and October. The Condition index peaked in May at 5.19% and footed in February at 1.98%. The clam exhibited no brooding of larvae and released demersal eggs with a thick glue egg membrane. Fertilized eggs reached D larvae stage around twenty-seven hours at 26℃.
Key words:  Polymesoda erosa, gonadal development, reproductive cycle, embryonic development
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