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周庆杰1, 于道德2, 高天翔1, 官曙光2
1.中国海洋大学 水产学院;2.山东省海洋生物研究院
为掌握一套可行的七带石斑鱼(Epinephelus septemfasciatus)人工繁育操作规程、积累七带石斑鱼生物学资料和苗种培育技术经验, 作者对七带石斑鱼早期发育各个发育阶段的形态特征及苗种培育进行了观察与研究。在水温23.5℃±0.5℃、盐度31、pH7.9~8.2、溶氧量6~8 mg/L 的条件下, 七带石斑鱼的受精卵历时31 h5 min 完成胚胎发育过。胚胎发育可划分5 个时期: 卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、神经胚期和器官形成期。根据卵黄囊、第二背鳍棘与腹鳍棘、鳞片和体色的变化, 七带石斑鱼胚后发育可划分为仔鱼期、稚鱼期、幼鱼期; 仔鱼期又可分为前期仔鱼和后期仔鱼。在水温24~26℃, 盐度28 的海水中培育, 初孵至2日龄(day post hatching, dph)仔鱼是前期仔鱼, 3~30dph 为后期仔鱼, 31~57dph 为稚鱼期, 58dph 进入幼鱼期。第二背鳍棘和腹鳍棘的生长与收缩是七带石斑鱼胚后发育过程中最明显的变化特征。第二背鳍棘的长度在仔鱼28~30 dph 达到最大值, 占仔鱼全长的81%。这些特点增加了苗种培育的难度和障碍。
关键词:  七带石斑鱼(Epinephelus septemfasciatus)  人工繁育  形态发育  苗种培育
基金项目:农业部948 资助项目(2014-Z49); 山东省现代农业产业体系鱼类创新团队资助项目(SDAIT-14-011-04)
Studies on the early morphological development and breeding of larval, juvenile and young fish of Epinephelus septemfasciatus
In order to develop a set of feasible artificial breeding techniques and accumulate biological data and fry rearing experience of Epinephelus septemfasciatus, the morphological characteristics of every early developmental stage and fry rearing of E. septemfasciatus were observed and studied. The time for the embryonic development is 31 h and 5 min in the water with temperature (23.5±0.5)℃, salinity 31, pH 7.9~8.2, DO 6~8 mg/L. The embryonic development of E. septemfasciatus can be divided into five stages, namely cleavage stage, blastula stage, gastrula stage, neurula stage and organogenesis stage. The post embryonic development of E. septemfasciatus was divided into larval stage, juvenile stage as well as young fish stage, based on the features of the yolk-sac, pelvic fin spine, second dorsal fin spine, scale and body color. In the sea water with temperature 24~26℃, salinity 28, the pre-larvae stage developed from hatching to 2 dph. The embryon developed 3 days to the post-larvae stage. The juvenile stage developed from 31 to 57 days after hatching. After 58 days, the fish developed into the early young fish period. The extension and shrinkage of the second spine of dorsal fin and the first spine of ventral fin are the most obvious changes during early development of E. septemfasciatus. The ratio of the second spine of dorsal fin to total length attained its maximum (about 0.81) when the larvae were 28~30 days old. All these increase the difficulties and obstacles in the fry rearing.
Key words:  Epinephelus septemfasciatus  artificial breeding  morphological development  fry rearing
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