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引用本文:徐如彦,沈 宁,倪佐涛,李 强,李家刚,黄必桂,雷方辉,张振波,朱友生,吴海京,陈志平,陈 强.自升式连体潜标测量系统的设计与实施[J].海洋科学,2014,38(12):94-98.
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徐如彦1, 沈 宁1, 倪佐涛1, 李 强2, 李家刚2, 黄必桂2, 雷方辉2, 张振波3, 朱友生3, 吴海京3, 陈志平3, 陈 强3
针对有缆潜标系统测量质量不稳定, 缆绳阻力大、浮球浮力不足, 测量系统难以绷紧, 导致潜标摇摆、缆绳倾斜, 受海洋环境的其他外力作用, 影响采集资料的质量等问题, 设计了自升式连体潜标测量系统。该系统最大特点是把各种仪器设备与释放器搭载组合到同一平行面的潜标内, 把仪器设备、释放器与浮体材料合成为单位体积最小的潜标测量平台。该系统还有体积小、质量轻、造价低、操作简便等特点, 适用于水深1 200 m 内的海区, 采用座底方式进行测量。系统通过释放装置脱钩, 脱钩后连体潜标可自行升浮到海面, 并具有隐蔽性好不易被破坏的优点。经过近1 a 的试验, 已多次在南海水深400 m 多的海区顺利完成了海上投放与回收试验, 试验结果良好。
关键词:  自升式  连体潜标  浮体结构  框架构造  潜标设计
Design and analysis of the self-elevating double submerged buoy measurement system
The problems in submerged buoys, including system instability in measurement, cable resistance and insufficient float buoyancy, and difficulties in cable tension, often result in buoy swinging and rope tilting, which would become worse under other external forces in a marine environment, causing imprecise data and other defects. To solve these problems, we designed a self-elevating measurement system with built-in multiple instruments/devices in combination with the releaser at a same parallel plane. The system combines the all-in-one releaser with floating body and becomes a small but compact unified measurement platform underwater. The system features small size, light weight, low cost, and simple operation, and is suitable for use in a relatively flat sea bottom at depth of 1 200 m or shallower. The system works on a basement at sea bed for measurement. The integrated system can be released and floated up to the surface automatically upon demand. It has an advantage of invisibility in good protection. After being tested for launching and recovering for nearly one year, it has been proved excellent at 400 depth in the South China Sea and collected quality observational data.
Key words:  self-elevating  integrated submersible buoy  floating structure  frame structure  submersible design
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