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引用本文:孙 鹏.基于COI序列比较中国和科威特养殖鲳鱼群体的遗传差异[J].海洋科学,2015,39(1):53-58.
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孙 鹏1
中国水产科学研究院 东海水产研究所 农业部东海与远洋渔业资源开发利用重点实验室
为探讨中国和科威特鲳鱼(Pampus)养殖群体的遗传差异和遗传多样性, 本研究对两个鲳鱼群体线粒体细胞色素c 氧化酶I 亚基(COI)部分序列进行了比较和分析。通过PCR 扩增和测序, 共获得COI基因片段47 条, 定义了8 个单倍型。两个群体的COI 序列的A+T 含量均高于G+C 含量, 在中国养殖群体中检测到4 个变异位点, 在科威特群体中检测到14 个。两个群体的单倍型多样性水平较高(0.566~0.643), 但核苷酸多样性水平均较低(0.0022~0.0030)。NJ 系统发生树和遗传距离分析结果表明中国和科威特养殖群体的遗传差异较大, 高于种内差异水平, 因此两个养殖群体并非同一种鲳属鱼类。
关键词:  鲳鱼(Pampus)  遗传多样性  线粒体DNA  COI
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(41306170); 上海市自然基金资助项目(12ZR1455000)
Comparison of genetic difference in cultured Pampus populations between China and Kuwait based on COI partial sequences
In order to investigate genetic variance and genetic diversity between China and Kuwait cultured populations of silver pomfret, COI partial sequences were compared and analyzed. By PCR amplification and sequencing, 47 sequences were obtained, and 8 haplotyes were defined. The polymorphic sites in China and Kuwait populations were 4 and 14, respectively. The contents of A+T are higher than G+C in each populations, and both populations showed higher levels of haplotype diversity (0.566~0.643) and lower levels of nucleotide diversity (0.0022~0.0030). Results of NJ phylogenetic tree and genetic distance suggest that cultured Pampus in two countries have significant genetic variance, and should be viewed as two different species.
Key words:  Pampus  genetic diversity  mitochondrial DNA  COI
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