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王金良1, 李慧凤1
青岛理工大学 理学院
为体现波浪起伏增大交换面积进而增强通量这一事实, 本文在已有海-气通量模型基础上提出了一种新的波面增长因子计算公式。就线性波叠加方法产生的波面而言, 在风速为10 m/s 时充分成长的波浪至少可使热通量增加7.9%, 这比用单个正弦波得到的最大增加量3.7%的2 倍还多。当风速增大到20 m/s 时由新公式给出的增加量则能达到30%。研究还表明, 借用经验波谱进行海面模拟难以体现毛细波, 真实海面的面积增加量不止模拟的那么少, 波浪对海-气通量的影响还应更强。
关键词:  海气通量  海浪  波面增长因子  波陡  波数谱
基金项目:山东省自然科学基金项目(No.ZR2012DM004); 国家海洋局海洋遥测工程技术研究中心开放基金项目(No.2013005); 国家自然科学基金项目(No.41376030)
Effect of wave on air-sea flux via magnifying the exchange area
Based on the existing air-sea flux models, a new growth-factor formula for wave-surface area is proposed. To reflect the fact that the wave-fluctuation magnifies the exchange area with an increasing flux, for the wave surface simulated with linear-wave superposition method, it indicates that, when the wind speed is 10 m/s, the full-growth wave may increase the heat flux at least by 7.9%, which is more than twice that of the single sinusoid wave which induces an increment of 3.7%. When the wind speed is 20 m/s, this increment may reach 30%. This research also indicates that, the sea-surface simulation with empirical wave spectrum can hardly reflect the capillary wave. The area of the real surface is not merely as much as that of the simulated one.The wave effect to the air-sea flux should be stronger.
Key words:  air-sea flux  ocean wave  growth factor for wave-surface area  wave slope  wave-number spectrum
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