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本文利用海洋客观分析数据MOAA GPV(Grid Point Value of the Monthly Objective Analysis)通过P-vector方法计算了北太平洋绝对地转流,研究了2001~2013年期间厄尔尼诺与北赤道流输运之间的关系。在此期间发生的四次厄尔尼诺事件中,北赤道流输运在02/03、06/07、09/10年的厄尔尼诺成熟期都出现了明显的增强,但是在04/05年的厄尔尼诺成熟期并没有明显的增强。进一步分析发现,在02/03、06/07、09/10年的厄尔尼诺成熟期,10°N以南的热带西北太平洋区域出现了负的海面高度异常和气旋式环流异常,这主要是由热带环流区域出现的西风异常和正的Ekman抽吸通过Rossby波西传到热带西太平洋区域所致;但是在04/05年厄尔尼诺成熟期,海面温度异常的分布明显不同,西风异常和正的Ekman抽吸异常明显北移,导致负的海面高度异常和气旋式环流异常出现在了10°N以北的西北太平洋区域,使得北赤道流输运在04/05年的厄尔尼诺成熟期没有明显的增强。
关键词:  北赤道流输运  厄尔尼诺  年际变异
基金项目:“全球变化和海气相互作用”任务专项 (GASI 03-01-01-05);国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2012CB417401, 2013CB956202)
Interannual variations of the North Equatorial Current transport in recent years during El Ni?os
wuguoli,wangqingye,zhaifangguo and hudunxin
Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Ocean University of China,Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Absolute geostrophic currents in the North Pacific Ocean are calculated by using P-vector method from ocean objective analysis data MOAA GPV (Grid Point Value of the Monthly Objective Analysis), and the relationship between the North Equatorial Current (NEC) transport and El Ni?os during 2001-2013 is investigated. During four El Ni?o events since 2001, the NEC transport increases obviously in the mature phase of 02/03, 06/07 and 09/10 El Ni?os, but does not increase that much in the mature phase of 04/05 El Ni?o. Further analyses are given and find that negative sea surface height anomaly and a cyclonic gyre anomaly take place south of 10°N in the tropical North Pacific Ocean during the mature phase of 02/03, 06/07 and 09/10 El Ni?os. These are mainly induced by the westerly wind anomaly and positive Ekman pumping in the tropical gyre area through the westward propagating Rossby waves. But during the mature phase of 04/05 El Ni?o, the distribution of sea surface temperature anomalies is obviously different. The westerly wind anomaly and positive Ekman pumping move northward obviously which lead to negative sea surface height anomaly and a cyclonic gyre anomaly taking place north of 10°N in the northwest Pacific Ocean. So the NEC transport does not increase obviously during the mature phase of 04/05 El Ni?o.
Key words:  North Equatorial Current transport  El Ni?o  interannual variation
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