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引用本文:张 杰,王进河,崔文连,赵新生,马 毅.我国海岸带面临的威胁、管理实践与“十三五”科技支撑工作重点——以青岛市、东营市和连云港市为例[J].海洋科学,2015,39(2):1-7.
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张 杰1, 王进河2, 崔文连3, 赵新生4, 马 毅1
海岸带是海洋和陆地的交汇地带, 是人类最为密集、开发活动最为频繁、经济最为发达的区域,也是资源环境矛盾最为突出的区域。由于海洋灾害频发、人类开发活动剧烈, 海岸带区域正面临着严峻的威胁, 需要采取一系列的调控措施, 以加强海岸带区域的保护与管理, 实现海岸带可持续发展。本文概述了我国海岸带区域承受的压力和面临的威胁, 以青岛市、东营市、连云港市海岸带为例, 介绍了海岸带综合管理采取的有关实践, 据此提出了“十三五”期间我国海岸带综合管理的科技支撑工作重点。
关键词:  海岸带  威胁  管理实践  科技支撑  工作重点
The threat, management practice and work focus of science and technology support in the China coastal zone during the 13th Five-Year: examples in Qingdao, Dongying and Lianyungang
The coastal zone that lies in the region between ocean and land has the densest human population, the most frequent development activities, the most developed economy as well as the most prominent contradiction between resources and environment. Because of the frequent marine disasters and intense human activities, the coastal zone is facing serious threats. So a series of control measures should be taken to strengthen the protection and management to achieve the sustainable development in the area. Taking Qingdao and Dongying of Shandong Province and Lianyungang of Jiangsu Province as examples, this paper has outlined the threats to China's coastal zone area, introduced the relevant action of integrated management and proposed the work focus of the management during the 13th Five-Year accordingly.
Key words:  coastal zone  threat  management practice  work focus
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