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关键词:  北太平洋,经向翻转环流,热盐输送
分类号:ISSN 1000-3096
Research review on the North Pacific meridional overturning circulation and the heat and salt transport
Liu Hongwei,Zhang Qilong,Duan Yongliang and Xu Yongsheng
Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,The first Institute of Oceanography ,SOA,Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences
The North Pacific meridional overturning circulation (NPMOC) is the general name of all the North Pacific overturning cells, it has five cells: the subtropical cells (STC), the tropical cell (TC), the subpolar cell (SPC), the deep tropical cell (DTC) and the thermocline cell (THC). The cells are the important leakage of the meridional material and energy exchange. The NPMOC and its variation play an important role in the upper ocean thermohaline structure and the climate change. The structure, and the variability and the variation mechanism of the STC, TC and DTC of the NPMOC are extensively analyzed and the poleward heat transport of the STC has done preliminary analysis. It should be noted that the research on the SPC and THC are still less, and it is unknown the three-dimensional structure and variation mechanism of the two cells. The research of the heat and salt transport of the NPMOC is still at an initial stage. Now little is known about the heat and salt transport characteristics, the variation and the variation mechanism of the cells and these scientific problems need to be further studied.
Key words:  North Pacific  meridional overturning circulation  heat and salt transport  
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