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引用本文:刘俊霞,马 毅,孙伟富,崔廷伟.岛礁光学影像图谱特征分析[J].海洋科学,2015,39(2):79-84.
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刘俊霞1, 马 毅1, 孙伟富1, 崔廷伟1
国家海洋局 第一海洋研究所
海岛是重要的国土资源, 按照物质组成可以分为基岩岛、沙泥岛和珊瑚岛等3 种类型。本文在总结前人在地物要素图谱特征分析方面研究工作的基础上, 针对基岩岛和沙泥岛, 利用SPOT-5 图像,选取近红外、红、绿波段组合标准假彩色图像, 针对珊瑚岛, 利用QuickBird 图像, 选取红、绿、蓝波段组合真彩色图像, 使用2 种最常用的遥感影像波段合成方法, 从这3 种海岛的岸线类型、地物特征和海岛所处位置关系等方面, 分析岛礁光学影像的图谱特征, 为海岛遥感识别与调查研究提供技术保障。
关键词:  岛礁  光学影像  遥感图谱特征  SPOT-5 图像  QuickBird 图像
Analysis of optical image features of islands
The islands are important land resource. According to the material composition, they can be divided into 3 types: rocky island, sediment island and coral island. In this paper, SPOT-5’s near infrared, red and green bands were used to composite standard false color image of the rocky island and sediment island, and QuickBird’s red, green and blue bands were used to composite true color images of coral island. Based on previous analysis research on image features of land cover objects and the two bands composite methods, we analyzed the features of optical images from coastline types, land cover objects’ characteristics and the positions of the 3 islands. Our results can provide technical support for island remote sensing identification and investigation.
Key words:  island  optical image  Remote Sensing image features  SPOT-5 image  QuickBird image
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