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引用本文:赵新生,张彦彦,许海蓬,马 毅.基于机载与高分遥感数据的连云港市东西连岛周边围填海分析[J].海洋科学,2015,39(2):98-103.
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赵新生1, 张彦彦1, 许海蓬1,2, 马 毅2
针对连云港市东西连岛周边海域近几年围填海的建设, 使用2012 年无人机影像、历史航空影像和高分一号卫星影像, 应用遥感影像解译和信息提取技术, 提取了2009 年、2012 年和2013 年的围填海信息, 并分别开展了2009 年~2012 年和2012 年~2013 年两个时段的围填海遥感监测与分析。结果显示: 2009 年~2012 年间围填海面积为6.3852 km2, 以围海为主, 围填海主要分布在连云港港口东部区域;2012 年~2013 年间, 均为填海, 面积为0.2581 km2, 主要分布在连云港港口内部。
关键词:  无人机影像  高分影像  围填海  东西连岛
基金项目:连云港市科技计划项目(SH1318); 2014 海洋公益性项目(201405028)
Analysis of reclamation around Dongxilian Island based on airborne and high-spatial resolution images
In view of reclamation construction around Dongxilian Island of Lianyungang city, UAV imaging, airborne imaging and GF-1 imaging were used with interpretation technology of remote sensing imaging and retrieval of information. The coastlines of 2009, 2012 and 2013 were extracted in order to learn the information of reclamation. On this basis, remote sensing monitoring and analysis of reclamation construction during 2009~2012 and 2012~2013 were developed. The results showed that the area of reclamation was 6.3852 km2 during 2009~2012 which mainly was manifested by reclaiming land from the sea by building dykes in eastern Lianyungang Harbor, and the area of reclamation was 0.2581 km2 during 2012~2013 which mainly was manifested by land reclamation in inner Lianyungang Harbor.
Key words:  UAV Image  High-Spatial Resolution Image  Reclamation  Dongxilian Island
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