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引用本文:孔 宁,李 琪,丛日浩,王庆志,孔令锋.长牡蛎F3 代快速生长选育群体生长特性的研究[J].海洋科学,2015,39(3):7-11.
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长牡蛎F3 代快速生长选育群体生长特性的研究
孔 宁1, 李 琪1, 丛日浩1, 王庆志1, 孔令锋1
中国海洋大学 海水养殖教育部重点实验室
采用模型拟合方法研究了长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)F3 代快速生长选育群体不同时期各生长性状的发育规律。结果表明, 长牡蛎幼虫期壳高(SH)、壳长(SL)对日龄(t)的回归遵循Logistic 模型, 生长方程分别为SH=455.612/(1+9.500e?0.142t), R2=0.999; SL=462.476/(1+8.026e?0.108t), R2=0.996。幼虫期壳高与壳长成直线相关, 回归方程为SL=0.76SH+18.82, R2=0.994。长牡蛎养成期各生长性状呈现明显的季节变化, 壳高(SH) 、壳长(SL) 、壳宽(SW) 和总质量(TW) 对月龄(X) 的多项式回归方程分别为SH=?0.0297X4+1.0365X3?12.0220X2+57.6500X?68.9260, R2=0.985; SL=?0.0173X4+0.5893X3?6.5702X2+30.2420X?34.4150, R2=0.986; SW=?0.0068X4+0.2620X3?3.2806X2+16.9170X?22.1410, R2=0.956; TW=?0.0219X4+0.8234X3?10.1680X2+50.7040X?85.4110, R2=0.972。壳高、壳长、壳宽与总质量均呈幂函数相关, 回归方程分别为SH=23.645TW0.3213, R2 =0.998; SL=12.337TW0.3776, R2=0.995; SW=6.611TW0.3589,R2=0.981。
关键词:  长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)  生长模型  Logistic 模型  多项式模型
基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划项目(2012AA10A405); 国家自然科学基金项目(31372524)
Study on growth characteristics of the selected third generation of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas with rapid growth
The growth pattern of the selected third generation of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas with rapid growth at different stages was investigated by model fitting with regularly collected biological data. Results showed that at larval stage, the relationships between age (t) and shell height (SH), as well as age (t) and shell length (SL) both conformed to Logistic model, and the growth equations were SH=455.612/(1+9.500e?0.142t), R2=0.999; SL=462.476/(1+8.026e?0.108t), R2=0.996, respectively. At larval stage, shell height and shell length was linearly related, and the linear regression equation was SL=0.76SH+18.82, R2=0.994. The growth pattern of C. gigas at grow-out stage showed significant seasonal variation. The polynomial regression equations between age (X) and shell height (SH), shell length (SL), shell width (SW), and total weight (TW) were SH=?0.0297X4 +1.0365X3?12.0220X2+57.6500X?68.9260, R2=0.985; SL=?0.0173X4+0.5893X3?6.5702X2+30.2420X?34.4150, R2=0.986; SW=?0.0068X4+0.2620X3?3.2806X2+16.9170X?22.1410, R2=0.956; and TW=?0.0219X4+0.8234X3?10.1680X2+50.7040X?85.4110, R2=0.972, respectively. Shell height, shell length and shell width all showed significant power function correlativity with total weight. The regression equations were SH=23.645TW0.3213, R2=0.998; SL=12.337TW0.3776, R2=0.995; and SW=6.611TW0.3589, R2=0.981, respectively.
Key words:  Crassostrea gigas  growth model  Logistic model  polynomial model
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