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引用本文:毕世普,张 勇,别 君.胶东半岛南部海滩地形剖面监测分析[J].海洋科学,2015,39(3):71-76.
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毕世普1,2, 张 勇1,2, 别 君3
1.国土资源部 海洋油气资源与环境地质重点实验室;2.青岛海洋地质研究所;3.中国海监北海航空支队
对2009~2011 年在胶东半岛南部海岸带测量的10 条海滩剖面夏、冬季共6 次地形监测数据及海滩表层沉积物粒度进行了对比分析, 结果表明: 海阳核电站东北部海滩略有侵蚀, 地形变化较小; 仰口、红岛和黄岛海滩侵淤变化较大, 反映受海洋动力, 尤其是波浪作用的影响; 胶东半岛西南部海域砂质海岸冬季与夏季相比轻度淤积。监测结果可以为本地区海岸带工程建设提供参考。
关键词:  海滩剖面  地形  监测分析  胶东半岛
基金项目:海洋地质调查专项(GZH200900501, GZH201400204); 国家自然科学基金(41376079, 41476051)
Monitoring and analysis of beach topographic profiles in the southern Jiaodong Peninsula
Through the analysis on the data from six-time topography monitoring of 10 beach profiles of the southern coastline of the Jiaodong Peninsula in winter and summer from 2009 to 2011, as well as the analysis of grain size of the surface sediment of the beach, it is shown that the beach of the northeastern part of Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant is slightly corroded, and it changes slowly; the deposit on Yangkou, Hongdao and Huangdao Beach changes greatly, suggesting that it is affected by the ocean dynamic and especially the wave action; and the sand coast of the southwestern sea area of the Jiaodong Peninsula has slighter deposit in winter than that in summer. These monitoring results can provide reference for construction in this region.
Key words:  beach profiles  monitoring and analysis  terrain  the Jiaodong Peninsula
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