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引用本文:丁跃平,郭远明,李铁军,薛 彬,张玉荣.三门湾春季温排水增温效应数值模拟研究[J].海洋科学,2015,39(4):101-107.
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丁跃平1, 郭远明1, 李铁军1, 薛 彬1, 张玉荣1
浙江省海洋水产研究所, 农业部重点渔场渔业资源科学观测实验站, 浙江省海洋渔业资源可持续利用技术研究重点实验室
采用ECOMSED 模式和2012 年5 月份现场温盐、潮流以及气象观测资料, 对三门湾核电站冷却水排放所致海水增温效应进行了数值模拟研究。结果表明, 在近期工程建成后, 三门湾海水增温范围主要出现在排水口附近, 表层增温幅度最大, 底层增温幅度最小, 在月度时间内, 表底层增温范围有大、小极值变化。在全部工程完成后, 温排水量大幅提高, 三门湾表层海水增温1℃的范围将稳定影响较大面积, 4℃增温范围较小。在月度时间内, 表底层增温范围大、小极值变化幅度也将增
关键词:  温排水  增温效应  数值模拟  三门湾
基金项目:浙江省重大科技专项计划项目(2012C13005); 浙江省省属科研院所扶持专项(2012F20026); 浙海渔计[2011]123 号
The numerical simulation studies of the effect of increasing temperature on warmly discharged water in Sanmen bay
In this paper, the seawater temperature increasing effect in the Sanmen bay induced by freezing water discharged from nuclei power station was studied using ECOMSED model and the monitoring dataset of temperature, salinity and tides in May, 2012. After the accomplishment of the recent project, the range of the increasing temperature in the Sanmen bay mainly appeared near the outlet of discharged water, and the temperature increase was the largest in the surface and the least in the bottom. The temperature increasing range had the maximum and minimum changes during the monthly time. After the accomplishment of the whole project, the amount discharged water was significantly increased. The area of the surface seawater with temperature increasing 1℃ in the Sanmen bay was relatively larger, and the area with temperature increasing 4℃ was relatively smaller. During the monthly time, the changing range of the maximum and minimum temperature increasing in surface and bottom layers would also increase.
Key words:  warmly discharged water  the effect of increasing temperature  numerical simulation  Sanmen bay
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