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引用本文:高志刚,骆敬新,刘克修,张庆河,范文静,武双全,李 响.ERA-Interim 再分析数据在中国沿海的质量评估[J].海洋科学,2015,39(5):92-105.
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ERA-Interim 再分析数据在中国沿海的质量评估
高志刚1,2, 骆敬新2, 刘克修2, 张庆河1, 范文静2, 武双全2, 李 响2
本文采用1979~2012 年的中国沿海台站观测数据对ERA-Interim(简称“ERA-I”)的气温、气压和海温数据进行质量评估。结果表明: (1)从常年平均来看, ERA-I 气温、气压和海温多年月平均变化与观测数据吻合较好, 可以反映气候态的季节变化特征。与台站观测数据相比, ERA-I 气温平均偏高0.19℃,气压平均偏低0.17 hPa, 海温平均偏高0.70℃。(2)从年际变化情况来看, ERA-I 和台站观测的气温、气压和海温变化趋势一致, 气温和海温呈上升趋势, 气压呈下降趋势。但在海南岛附近使用ERA-I 气温做年际变化分析和在东海台湾海峡至北部湾沿岸使用ERA-I 海温做年际变化趋势分析时要谨慎。(3)从月均变化分析来看, ERA-I 月均气温、气压和海温数据与台站实测数据具有很好的一致性。从误差空间分布来看, ERA-I 气温在黄海沿岸平均误差最小, ERA-I 气压在渤海沿岸平均误差最小, ERA-I 海温在南海沿岸平均误差最小。需要特别指出的是, ERA-I 月均海温在渤海和台湾海峡附近沿岸平均误差较大(部分站均方根误差超过2.5℃), 在上述区域使用ERA-I 海温数据时应考虑其产品偏差。
关键词:  中国沿海  ERA-Interim 质量评估  气温  气压  海温
基金项目:国家海洋局海洋-大气化学与全球变化重点实验室开放基金(GCMAC1202); 国家自然科学基金(41406032; 41106159)
Evaluation of ERA-Interim reanalysis data along coast of China
In this paper, the reliability of air temperature (AT), air pressure (AP) and sea surface temperature (SST) of ERA-Interim (ERA-I for short) reanalysis dataset along coast of China is appraised according to the data observed from stations along coast of China. It indicates that: (1) Climatic mean values of AT, AP and SST of ERA-I could reflect the character of seasonal variation, which have good agreement with the observed data. Compared with the observed data from the stations, the ERA-I AT is 0.19℃ higher, ERA-I AP is 0.17 hPa lower and ERA-I SST is 0.70℃ higher. (2) Analysis of inter-annual variability shows that annual mean values of AT, AP and SST of ERA-I and observed data have the same trends, in which AT and SST rise and AP declines. But ERA-I AT in the vicinity of Hainan Island and ERA-I SST from the Taiwan Strait to the Beibu Gulf have poor correlation with the observed data, which reed more attention. (3) From the analysis of the average monthly change character, ERA-I monthly mean AT, AP and SST data have a good consistency with station observed data. The results showed that ERA-I AT along coast of the Yellow Sea is of the best quality, ERA-I AP along coast of the Bahia Sea is of the best quality, and ERA-I SST along coast of the South China Sea is of the best quality, when compared to another areas. It is worth noting that ERA-I monthly mean SST along coast of the Bohai Sea and the Taiwan Strait is of poor quality (root-mean-square error of some stations exceeds 2.5℃). More attention should be paid when ERA-I SST data in the above areas are used.
Key words:  coast of China  ERA-Interim evaluation  air temperature  air pressure  sea surface temperature
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