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引用本文:臧正蓉,解修俊,赵佩佩,郇 丽,黄爱优,张宝玉,潘光华,王广策.温度和光照对三角褐指藻的生长及岩藻黄素含量的影响[J].海洋科学,2015,39(7):1-6.
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臧正蓉1,2, 解修俊1,3, 赵佩佩1,2, 郇 丽1,2, 黄爱优1, 张宝玉1, 潘光华3, 王广策1
岩藻黄素(fucoxanthin)是一种特殊的类胡萝卜素, 具有许多显著的功效和很高的应用价值。三角褐指藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)是一种海洋硅藻, 是一种可用于提取岩藻黄素的合适材料。作者以三角褐指藻的生物量、光合活性和岩藻黄素含量为指标, 研究了不同的温度 (20℃、25℃、30℃)、不同的光照强度(12800 lx、7200 lx、4000 lx)和不同光质 (红光、蓝光、绿光)对三角褐指藻的生长及岩藻黄素含量的影响。实验结果表明, 25℃对三角褐指藻的生长没有影响, 但提高了岩藻黄素的含量, 30℃对三角褐指藻的生长及岩藻黄素积累均有抑制现象; 12800 lx、7200 lx 的光照强度都可促进三角褐指藻的生长及岩藻黄素含量的升高, 其中, 7200 lx 的光照强度对三角褐指藻的生长及岩藻黄素含量的提高更加显著; 红光条件可促进三角褐指藻的生长和提高三角褐指藻的岩藻黄素含量, 而绿光和蓝光抑制三角褐指藻的生长, 并导致三角褐指藻的岩藻黄素含量降低。因此, 25℃、7200 lx 和红光的培养条件是三角褐指藻生长和岩藻黄素积累的最适宜条件。
关键词:  三角褐指藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)  温度  光照  岩藻黄素
基金项目:科技部国家科技基础性工作专项(2012FY112900-01); 天津市自然科学基金重点项目(12JCZDJC22200); 中国科学院先导项目(XDA05030401)
Effect of different temperatures and light conditions on the growth and fucoxanthin content of Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Fucoxanthin is a special carotenoid that has many significant biological effects and high practical application values. Phaeodactylum tricornutum is a marine diatom rich in fucoxanthin. In the present study, we compared the effects of different culture conditions, including different temperatures ures (20℃, 25℃ and 30℃), different light intensities (12800 lx, 7200 lx and 4000 lx) and different light qualities (red light, green light and blue light), on the growth, PSII activity and fucoxanthin content of P. tricornutum. The results indicated that the fucoxanthin content was increased at 25℃ while the growth of P. tricornutum was not influenced. And the growth and accumulation of fucoxanthin of P. tricornutum were inhibited at 30℃. The growth and accumulation of fucoxanthin of P. tricornutum were promoted under 12800 lx and 7200 lx, and were increased much more under 7200 lx. In addition, the growth and accumulation of fucoxanthin of P. tricornutum were promoted under red light, while green light and blue light inhibited the growth of P. tricornutum and resulted in the reduction of the fucoxanthin content. Therefore, the optimal culture condition for is 25℃, 7200 lx and red light, which could promote its growth and fucoxanthin content.
Key words:  Phaeodactylum tricornutum  temperature  light  fucoxanthin
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