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引用本文:邓 璐,曹翠翠,王宏伟.温度、光照强度和盐度对海柏果孢子放散与附着的影响[J].海洋科学,2015,39(8):24-27.
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邓 璐1, 曹翠翠1, 王宏伟1
辽宁师范大学 生命科学学院
在实验室条件下, 研究了不同温度、光照强度和盐度对海柏(Polyopes polyideoides)果孢子的放散及附着的影响。结果表明: 温度10~26℃的条件下, 海柏果孢子均能够完成放散附着; 18℃时, 海柏果孢子放散附着速度最快且总量最大, 而当温度低于5℃或者高于30℃时, 海柏果孢子的放散附着受到抑制, 几乎不放散附着; 海柏果孢子放散附着的适宜光照条件为80 ?mol/(m2·s), 光照强度过高时海柏果孢子的放散附着明显受到抑制; 盐度为22~36 之间利于果孢子的放散附着, 当盐度低于8, 高于40的时候, 海柏果孢子由于受到了盐胁迫, 几乎不放散及附着。
关键词:  海柏  果孢子  放散  附着  温度  光照强度  盐度
Influence of temperature, light intensity and salinity on carpospores releasing and attachment of Polyopes polyideoides(Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta)
In this study, the effects of temperature, light intensity and salinity on the carpospores releasing and attachment of Polyopes polyideoides were studied. The results indicated that: (1) within the range of 10-26℃, P. polyideoides carpospores were able to complete releasing and attachment; especially, at 18℃, the peaks of releasing and attachment of P. polyideoides were very high and the speed was very fast; when the temperature is lower than 5℃ or higher than 30℃, the carpospores releasing and attachment of P. polyideoides were repressed, almost no releasing and attachment. (2) The optimum light intensity for the carpospores releasing and attachment of P. polyideoides was 80 μmol/(m2·s). When the irradiance is too high, the releasing and attachment of P. polyideoides carpospores were significantly repressed. (3) Salinity conditions (22-36) are conducive to carpospores releasing and attachment and there is no significant difference within this salinity range, but when the salinity is less than 8 more than 40, as the carpospores of P. polyideoides was under the salt stress, almost no releasing and attachment.
Key words:  Polyopes polyideoides  carpospores  releasing  attachment  temperature  light intensity  salinity
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