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引用本文:陈 杰,蒋昌波,张绍华,胡保安.围海造陆工程泄水口悬浮物扩散规律分析[J].海洋科学,2015,39(8):58-62.
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陈 杰1,2, 蒋昌波1,2, 张绍华3, 胡保安3
1.长沙理工大学 水利工程学院;2.水沙科学与水灾害防治湖南省重点实验室;3.中交天津航道局有限公司
掌握围海造陆工程泄水口悬浮物扩散规律, 对保护海洋水环境质量具有重要意义。选取围海造陆工程泄水口为研究对象, 基于泥沙对流扩散方程, 推求出泄水口悬浮物扩散平面二维分析解表达式。开展现场观测, 确定泄水口源强取值, 并对泄水口悬浮物扩散进行理论计算和分析。研究结果显示, 围海造陆工程施工后期, 泄水口悬浮物流失非常严重。泄水口附近水域出现的最大悬浮物浓度主要由源强的大小来决定, 悬浮物扩散范围主要由流速的大小来控制。
关键词:  悬浮物扩散  理论分析  现场观测  围海造陆  泄水口
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(51239001); 国家自然科学基金项目(51409022); 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师类资助课题(20124316120003); 湖南省教育厅资助科研项目(13B130); 港口航道泥沙工程交通行业重点实验室开放基金项目
Study of suspended solids diffusion from drain opening of land reclamation project
It is vital to understand the suspended solids diffusion from drain opening of land reclamation project for protecting marine environment quality. The turbidity plume induced by dredging was investigated. Base on the advection and diffusion equations, the solution to describe the turbidity plume from drain opening of land reclamation project was obtained. The value of source strengths was obtained from field observation. The diffusion of suspended solids from drain opening in Port of Tianjin was discussed. The results showed that the dredger fill loss was quite severe in the mid to late section of drain opening. The source strengths played leading roles in maximum concentration of suspended solids near drain opening. The current velocity played leading roles in diffusion range.
Key words:  suspended solids diffusion  theoretical analysis  field observation  land reclamation project  drain opening
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