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引用本文:万远扬,吴华林,沈 淇,顾峰峰.长江口悬沙沉速室内试验研究[J].海洋科学,2015,39(8):78-85.
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万远扬1,2, 吴华林1, 沈 淇1, 顾峰峰1
在充分认识传统沉降筒缺陷的基础上提出了“大型可温控自动搅拌沉降试验筒”。通过室内系列试验发现: (1)含沙量对长江口细颗粒沉降速度影响最大; (2)温度上升, 沉速增加, 但不同阶段影响程度有所不同; (3)含沙量越高, 盐度对沉速的影响越小, 含沙量相同情况下, 长江口北槽悬沙枯季水温下盐度对沉速的影响在1.8~5.7 倍左右; 洪季水温下盐度对沉速的影响在1.5~2.2 倍左右。(4)枯季最佳絮凝盐度在7 左右, 最佳絮凝含沙量为7 kg/m3; 洪季最佳絮凝盐度在10~12 左右, 最佳絮凝含沙量为4.5kg/m3。本研究成果可望加深我们对细颗粒泥沙动力过程相关机理的认识, 同时可为相关港口、航道的淤积机理分析, 数学模型、物理模型研究工作提供一定技术参考。
关键词:  长江口  细颗粒泥沙  沉降速度  沉降筒
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划(2013BAB12B03); 国家自然科学基金(41206072)
Experimental study on the settling velocity of suspended sediment in the Yangtze River Estuary
For the coastal sedimentology, especially for those fine sediment estuaries, settling velocity is a critical parameter that is of significant importance for us to understand their behavior and dynamics. Based on the well known drawbacks and short comings of the traditional settling column, a new apparatus has been developed for measuring the settling velocity of fine suspended sediment in laboratory. In this study, we found that not only suspended sediment concentration but also salinity and temperature could significantly influence the settling velocity, and finally an empirical formula was proposed based on a series of experiments. This study may help improve our understanding on this topic and favor numerical modelling on fine sediment.
Key words:  the Yangtze River Estuary  fine sediment  settling velocity  settling column
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