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引用本文:商 群,陈 新,王超超,葛天宇,曹 瑞,朱秀琴,徐利婷,唐 敏.吡啶硫酮类防污剂对华美盘管虫早期不同发育阶段的毒性效应研究[J].海洋科学,2015,39(9):33-38.
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商 群1, 陈 新1, 王超超2, 葛天宇1, 曹 瑞3, 朱秀琴1, 徐利婷1, 唐 敏1
1.海南大学 材料与化工学院;2.海南大学 农学院;3.中国农业大学 动物医学院
以中国南海常见的多毛类——华美盘管虫(Hydroides elegans)作为受试生物, 分别研究了吡啶硫酮铜和吡啶硫酮锌对早期不同发育阶段的华美盘管虫的急性毒理效应。发现暴露于吡啶硫酮铜的华美盘管虫精子和卵子的受精半数抑制浓度(IC50)分别为19.49 μg/L 和88.44 μg/L, 担轮幼虫24 h 半数致死浓度(24h-LC50)和48 h 半数致死浓度(48h-LC50)分别为7.35 μg/L 和5.00 μg/L, 后担轮幼虫24h-LC50 和48h-LC50 分别为8.57 μg/L 和5.87 μg/L; 暴露于吡啶硫酮锌的华美盘管虫精子和卵子的受精IC50 分别为36.74 μg/L 和159.59 μg/L, 担轮幼虫24 h-LC50 和48 h-LC50 分别为8.57 μg/L 和6.67 μg/L, 后担轮幼虫24 h-LC50 和48 h-LC50 分别为12.03 μg/L 和8.07 μg/L。表明华美盘管虫早期发育的不同阶段对吡啶硫酮铜和吡啶硫酮锌的敏感性表现出一定差异, 与配子受精率和后担轮幼虫的毒性反应相比, 担轮幼虫对吡啶硫酮铜和吡啶硫酮锌的毒性表现出较高的敏感性; 而且, 对吡啶硫酮铜的敏感性普遍高于吡啶硫酮锌。
关键词:  华美盘管虫(Hydroides elegans)  吡啶硫酮铜  吡啶硫酮锌  毒性效应
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31160098 和31360105); 海南省自然科学基金项目(313104); 海南大学博士科研启动基金项目(kyqd1046)
Toxic effect of metal pyrithione on different early life stages of Hydroides elegans
This paper used Hydroides elegans, common polychaete in China South Sea, investigate the acute toxicity of copper pyrithione (CuPT) and zinc pyrithions (ZnPT) on its different life stages. The fertilization IC50 values of sperm and egg exposed to CuPT were 19.49 μg/L and 88.44 μg/L, the LC50 values for trochophone larvae were 7.35 μg/L (24 h) and 5.00 μg/L (48 h), and the LC50 values for metatroch larvae were 8.57 μg/L (24 h) and 5.87 μg/L (48 h), respectively; while the fertilization IC50 values of sperm and egg exposed to ZnPT were 36.74 μg/L and 159.59 μg/L, the LC50 values for trochophone larvae were 8.57 μg/L (24 h) and 6.67 μg/L (48 h), the LC50 values for metatroch larvae were 12.03 μg/L (24 h) and 8.07 μg/L (48 h), respectively. The results show that the sensitivity to CuPT and ZnPT is related to the life stages of H. elegans. Compared to the inhibition rate of gametes fertilization and the toxic response of metatroch larvae, the trochophore larvae are more sensitive to CuPT and ZnPT, and the early life stages of H. elegans generally show a higher sensitivity to CuPT than to ZnPT.
Key words:  Hydroides elegans  copper pyrithinoe  zinc pyrithione  toxic effect
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