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引用本文:李永仁,梁 健,郭永军,邢克智.天津鲤鱼门滩涂经济贝类资源变化及原因探讨[J].海洋科学,2015,39(11):68-73.
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李永仁1, 梁 健1, 郭永军1, 邢克智1
天津农学院 水产科学系 天津市水产生态及养殖重点实验室
为探讨天津汉沽鲤鱼门潮间带经济贝类资源的变化特征, 2012~2014 年作者对该滩涂经济贝类开展资源调查, 并与2008 年的调查结果进行对比分析。结果表明: 2012~2014 年经济贝类种数分别为9种、10 种、10 种, 高于2008 年的7 种; 鲤鱼门滩涂经济贝类主要分布于中潮区, 2012~2014 年中潮区经济贝类资源量分别为1 082.8、1 183.9 和1 339.8g/m2, 高于2008 年的293.5 g/m2; 2012~2014 年优势种为菲律宾蛤( Ruditapes philippinarum)仔, 优势度90%以上, 2008 年优势种为四角蛤蜊(Mactra veneriformis);近年来菲律宾蛤仔大量出现, 与邻近海域的大规模增殖放流活动密切相关。
关键词:  汉沽鲤鱼门  潮间带  经济贝类  资源
基金项目:国家贝类产业技术体系天津综合试验站(CARS-48); 天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划(15JCYBJC30400); 天津市海洋局项目(19-3BC2014-08)
Study on the changes of economic shellfish resources and their causes in the intertidal zone along Liyumen coast, Tianjin
Based on the analysis of economic shellfish samples collected in the intertidal zone along Liyumen coast, Tianjin in 2008 and the data obtained from the same sampling area during 2012–2014, the features of the changes in economic shellfish were derived. The results showed that the economic shellfish species components in this area were 9, 10, and 10 in the year 2012—2014, respectively, exceeding 7 species in 2008. Economic shellfish distributed mainly in middle intertidal zone with the average biomass of 1082.8, 1183.9 and 1339.8, respectively, exceeding 293.5 g/m2 in 2008. The dominant species was Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in the year 2012–2014 with the dominance index above 90%, but it was Mactra veneriformis in 2008. A large number of shellfish appeared in the Manila clam in recent years, which is closely related to the large scale breeding and releasing of the Manila clam in the vicinity sea areas in recent years.
Key words:  Liyumen, Hangu  intertidal zone  economic shellfish  resources
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