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引用本文:张均龙,史振平,王 承,张树乾,张素萍.基于壳板和齿舌形态对中国沿岸几种常见多板纲软体动物的分类研究[J].海洋科学,2015,39(11):96-107.
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张均龙1, 史振平2, 王 承2, 张树乾1, 张素萍1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.青岛科技大学
多板纲软体动物统称石鳖, 是软体动物门较为低等的一个类群, 在软体动物的系统进化中占有重要的地位。但有关我国沿海多板纲软体动物的调查研究十分欠缺, 而且对中国沿海多板纲的分布状况和区系特点尚不明确, 并存在着一些鉴定错误和分类混乱现象。本研究利用10% NaOH 溶液处理齿舌部获取齿舌带和壳板的方法, 通过扫描电镜和显微镜观察拍照, 对我国沿岸常见多板纲软体动物中5 科7 属13 种的齿舌和壳板形态结构进行了描述, 并进行了比较研究。
关键词:  多板纲软体动物  齿舌  壳板  形态  中国海
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41306159); 中国科学院海洋研究所“一三五”生物多样性专项(2012IO060104)中国科学院国际合作局俄乌白专项
Taxonomic study on some common species of Polyplacophora in the coast of China based on valves and rudular morphology
Polyplacophora also called chitons, is one of the primitive clade in Mollusca phylum. They are thought to have diverged relatively early form other molluscan lineage, and play important roles in the evolution. However, there is a shortage of systematical study on polyplacophorans in China. Their fauna and distribution features are still unclear. What is more, there are many misidentifications and confusions. Radula and valves of 13 species belonging to 8 genera and 5 families are obtained and handled in 10% NaOH solution for scanning electron microscope and optical microscopic observation. Morphological characteristics of valves and radula are described and compared here.
Key words:  Polyplacophora  radular teeth  valve  morphology  China seas
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