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引用本文:谢广龙,姜 娇,吴小平,欧阳珊.江西北部岩溶地貌陆生贝类物种多样性[J].海洋科学,2015,39(11):126-131.
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谢广龙1,2, 姜 娇3, 吴小平1,2, 欧阳珊1
1.南昌大学 生命科学学院;2.南昌大学 生命科学研究院流域生态研究所;3.浙江省自然博物
作者于2013 年5 月至6 月调查了位于江西北部地区岩溶地貌陆生贝类资源, 共采得陆生贝类63 种及亚种(含5 个未定种), 分别隶属于12 科21 属, 其中1 个新种, 即石钟山弯螺(Sinoennea shizhongshanensis sp.nov), 优势种为雪土鸥螺 (Georissa niva)、细纹喇叭螺(Boysidia gracilis)、囊喇叭螺(Boysidia dorsata)和灰尖巴蜗牛(Bradybaena ravida ravida) 。区系成分以东洋界成分为主, 占总种类数的61.90%。计算了江西北部地区岩溶地貌陆生贝类多样性指数, 其中Margalef 丰富度指数(dMA)为2.205~4.273, Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数(H′)为1.960~3.374, Pielou 均匀度指数(Jsw)为0.448~0.681。与邻近自然保护区比较, 江西北部地区岩溶地貌陆生贝类较为丰富, 与其他自然保护区物种相似性较低。
关键词:  陆生贝类  多样性  岩溶地貌  江西北部地区
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(31260515); 赣鄱英才555 工程领军人才培养计划资助项目(18000041); 国家科技基础性工作专项(2013FY111500)
Diversity of terrestrial mollusks in the karst areas in northern Jiangxi province
An investigation on the species biodiversity of terrestrial mollusks in the karst areas in northern Jiangxi province was carried out from May to June 2013. 63 species belonging to 12 families, 21 genera were collected (including 5 undefined species) among which Sinoennea shizhongshanensis sp. nov. is a new species. The dominant species were Georissa niva, Boysidia gracilis, Boysidia dorsata, and Bradybaena ravida ravida. The distribution analysis showed that 39 species belong to Oriental, accounting for 64.9% of the total diversity. The results of diversity analysis showed that the species richness indices dMA of 3 sampling sites ranged from 2.205 to 4.273, species diversity indices H′ ranged from 1.960 to 3.374, and evenness indices Jsw ranged from 0.448 to 0.681. Compared with other nature reserves, karst areas in northern Jiangxi province have the most diverse terrestrial molluscs, and they had lower similarity with other nature reserves.
Key words:  terrestrial mollusks  diversity  karst areas  northern Jiangxi province
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