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引用本文:刘 超,彭张明,黄 佳,刘志刚.不同盐度对施氏獭蛤浮游期幼虫存活与生长的影响[J].海洋科学,2015,39(12):65-69.
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刘 超1, 彭张明1, 黄 佳2, 刘志刚1
1.广东海洋大学 水产学院;2.湛江银浪海洋生物技术有限公司
为提高施氏獭蛤(Lutraria sieboldii)育苗成活率, 作者采用单因子实验设计, 研究了不同海水盐度对北部湾海域施氏獭蛤浮游期幼虫存活与生长的影响。结果表明, 施氏獭蛤浮游期幼虫的临界存活盐度为22.84~33.12、适宜存活盐度为24.54~31.54、较适宜存活盐度为25.83~30.17、最适宜存活盐度为26.8~29.4; 临界生长盐度为~35.67、适宜生长盐度为22.51~31.66、较适宜生长盐度为27.51~31.37、最适宜生长盐度为29.4;综合盐度对存活率和生长率的影响, 施氏獭蛤浮游期幼虫最佳的培育盐度为29.4。研究结果为施氏獭蛤育苗场的选址及人工育苗提供了参考。
关键词:  施氏獭蛤(Lutraria sieboldii)  浮游期幼虫  盐度  生长  存活
基金项目:广东海洋大学创新强校工程科研项目(GDOU2013050326); 广东省海洋与渔业局项目(A201001H01); 广东省教育厅项目(GCZX-A0909)
Influence of different salinity levels on the survival and growth of Lutraria sieboldii floating larva
The effects of gradient salinities of seawater on the survival and growth rates of Lutraria sieboldii floating larva were studied using a single-factor experiment design. D-type larvae were reared in seawater with salinity levels of 21.6, 24.2, 26.8, 29.4, 32.0, 34.6, and 37.2 ppt. The results showed that the critical survival threshold for floating larvae was 22.84–33.12 ppt. Suitable survival was observed at 24.54–31.54 ppt, more suitable survival was observed at 25.83–30.17 ppt, and optimal survival was observed at 26.8–29.4 ppt. Critical growth was observed at approximately 35.67 ppt, suitable growth was observed at 22.51–31.66 ppt, more suitable growth was observed at 27.51–31.37 ppt, and optimal growth was observed at 29.4 ppt. Considering the optimal survival and growth rates of L. sieboldii floating larvae, a salinity of 29.4 ppt will yield the best results in an artificial breeding facility. These data provide a reference and basis for site selection and will increase the survival rate of larvae under artificial breeding conditions.
Key words:  Lutraria sieboldii  floating larva  salinity  growth  survival
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