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引用本文:陈 希,于 斌,何姮君,孔凡龙,李宗叶.基于非均匀海水固有光学性质的透明度计算方法[J].海洋科学,2015,39(12):100-105.
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陈 希1, 于 斌1,2, 何姮君3, 孔凡龙4, 李宗叶2
1.解放军理工大学 气象海洋学院;2.91206 部队训练部;3.东海舰队37 分队;4.71901 部队
针对透明度盘只能在白天开展海水透明度测量, 易受自然环境和人为因素影响、客观定量性较差的不足, 提出了基于海水固有光学性质的海水透明度计算方法。该方法仿真透明度盘测量海水透明度的基本原理, 采用蒙特卡罗方法, 利用海水固有光学性质, 计算透明度盘所处位置海水上涌光相对量, 结合对比度传输方程和人眼阈值, 建立了基于海水固有光学性质的海水透明度计算模型。利用2006 年1 月至2 月共37 组海水透明度的观测数据与该模型数值实验结果比较表明, 测量与计算值平均绝对误差为1.1 m。利用该方法可以客观、定量、准确地计算海水透明度, 并且为夜间海水透明度要素计算增加了一种新途径。
关键词:  蒙特卡罗方法  对比度传输方程  海水透明度
Algorithm based on inherent optical properties for measuring inhomogeneous seawater transparency
Transparency measurements can only be performed during the day, using a transparency plate; the measurements are easily influenced by the natural environment and human factors, and thus, such measurements are associated with objective quantitative and qualitative problems. In this study, we present a method for calculating water transparency based on the inherent optical properties of seawater and use it to measure the transparency of seawater, and calculate its relative volume. This calculation model, which is based on the inherent optical properties of seawater, was established using the Monte Carlo method. A comparison of the model results with 37 seawater datasets observed from February to January 2006 indicates that the measurements and calculations have an average absolute error of 1.1 m. This method can be used to objectively and quantitatively calculate the transparency of seawater, and provides a new approach for calculating water transparency elements at night.
Key words:  Monte Carlo simulation  contrast transmission equation  seawater transparency
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